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Dr Matteo Pretelli

Matteo Pretelli Profile Photo

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Tel: +44 (0) 2476 573434
Email: M dot Pretelli at warwick dot ac dot uk
H4.07, Humanities Building, University Road
University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL


Dr Matteo Pretelli is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Italian Studies. His research has investigated the relations between Italian-American communities and Italy between the two world wars, diplomatic relations between Italy and the United States, the use of textbooks for Italian schools outside of Italy. He is currently working on Italy’s promotion of the Italian language towards the United States after WWII and on soldiers of Italian descent in the Allied military forces in WWII.

Prior to coming to Warwick, Dr Pretelli was a Visiting Fellow (2012-2013) at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute, Fiesole (Italy). He has also been a Research Fellow (2010-2012) at the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, University of Trieste (Italy); Lecturer in Italian Studies (2008-2009) in the Faculty of Business and Enterprise, Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne (Australia) and a Fulbright Research Scholar (2008) at the Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota (United States).

Research interests

Dr Pretelli's research focuses on:

  • Italian migrations
  • Italian fascism
  • Italian cultural diplomacy

Teaching and supervision

IT325 'Italy out of Italy: A history of Italian Migrations'

Selected publications

  • M. Pretelli, La via fascista alla democrazia americana. Cultura e propaganda nelle comunità italo-americane (Viterbo: Sette Città, 2012)
  • M. Pretelli, L'emigrazione italiana negli Stati Uniti (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2011)

  • M. Pretelli, Il fascismo e gli italiani all'estero (Bologna: Clueb, 2010)
  • M. Pretelli, S. Luconi, L'immigrazione negli Stati Uniti (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2008)


  • Fellowship (2005 and 2010) at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies in Berlin (Germany)
  • Altreitalie Prize (2006)
  • American Italian Historical Memorial Fellowship (2004)
  • PhD (2005) in History, University of Trieste (Italy)

  • Fellowship (2003) at the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, Hyde Park, NY (United States)
  • Fellowship (2002) at the John Nicholas Brown Center for the Study of American Civilization, Brown University, Providence (United States)
  • Gianfausto Rosoli Prize (2000)
  • Alberto Aquarone Prize (2000)
  • Fulbright Short-Term Scholarship (2000)
  • BA (2000) in Political Science, University of Florence (Italy)


Undergraduate modules

IT325 'Italy out of Italy: A history of Italian Migrations'

Postgraduate modules
