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A snapshot of 2010

In this year at Warwick:

  • Curiositea opened as part of the Students’ Union refurbishment.
  • Warwick in Africa celebrated a five year milestone. This is a scheme funded by Warwick alumni, friends and foundations to enhance the education of school children in Africa and provide opportunities for the most gifted students whilst also helping to develop the skills of African teachers. You can find out more here.
  • The Knowledge Centre launched online to share information about research being conducted at the University with alumni and other stakeholders.
  • Warwick Manufacturing Group celebrated 30 years you can find out more here(PDF Document)
  • IATL (Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning) was launched to serve the academic community by supporting the development of innovative teaching methods.

  • 24 solar panels were installed on the roof of the School of Engineering building as part of a collaboration between University academics and New World Solar.

Lake 9 was produced for the ‘This is Tomorrow’ exhibition 2010 at the Whitechapel Gallery, a retrospective of its celebrated exhibition with the same name in 1956. Gili produced this screenprint in response to a work in that exhibition, Richard Hamilton’s Just What is it That Makes Today’s Homes so Different, so Appealing? The original exhibition brought groups of different practitioners together. Artists worked alongside architects and designers. Similarly Gili has used the landscape designs of Burle Marx the 1960s Brazilian Landscape artist for the inspiration for his swirling patterns within this colourful print.

And in the world:

  • Over 230,000 people were killed in Haiti after an earthquake.
  • A volcanic ash cloud from beneath Eyjafjallajokull ice cap in Iceland disrupted travel for over a month.
  • The worlds tallest building Burj Khalifa, 2,716ft high with 160 floors opened in Dubai.
  • BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster in the gulf of Mexico left the gulf beaching, fishing and shellfish industries reeling. New Deep Water Drilling Wells was stopped until regulators could catch up with the technology.


Lake 9 | Jamie Gili