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Core Module, Taught MA

Approaching Ancient Visual and Material Culture



Core module



Taught MA in Ancient Visual and Material Culture


Taught MA in the Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Rome


Autumn and Spring Terms, even-numbered weeks

Tuesdays time tbc.


Convenor: Zahra Newby


Other tutors: Dan Orrells, Matt McCarty, Kevin Butcher


Outline and Aims:


This is a core module for the Taught MA in Ancient Visual and Material Culture and Taught MA in the Visual and Material Culture of Rome. It is designed to introduce students to the major issues in the study of ancient visual and material culture, and to key methodologies and approaches. This module provides a broad grounding in the interpretation of the various different aspects of ancient material. It will help to develop students’ intellectual skills in the following areas:

Ability to select and respond to particular methodological approaches when dealing with material evidence

Appreciation of methodological issues in dealing with material evidence

Understanding of the ways that visual and material evidence has been studied since antiquity

Ability to present structured chain of argument drawing together evidence into cohesive whole

Ability to select & apply appropriate problem-solving methodologies

Ability to conduct independent research & analysis


It will also help to develop the following key transferable skills:

Written and oral communication skills

Organisational skills

Ability to evaluate intellectual progress

IT skills - word processing/ use of internet



Autumn Term

Week 4 DO Canons and Collections (1)

Week 6 DO Canons and Collections (2)

Week 8 ZN Art: Patrons and Producers

Week 9 KB Numismatics: Approach to Coinage

(NB note week!)


Spring Term

Week 2 MM Epigraphy

Week 4 MM Epigraphy

Week 6 MM Epigraphy

Week 8 MM Epigraphy

Week 9 Essay presentations/ discussion


Assessment: 5,000 word essay

Deadline for essay title to be approved by appropriate module tutor:

Friday 26th February 2010, 12 noon

Deadline for essay:

Friday 19th March 2010, 12 noon