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2019 - 2020: Early Careers Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Warwick.

2015 – 2019: PhD English, “Cormac McCarthy’s Mementoes of the Broken Body: An Aesthetics of Resistance”, Supervisors: Dr. Nicholas Monk, Prof. Thomas Docherty.

2013: MA English, University of Warwick, Merit (71%)

2012: BA German and English Language and Literature, University of Cologne, High Upper Second (1.6)


2018: Nominated for the Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence for Postgraduates.

2018: Conference funding, awarded by the English and Literary Studies Department, University of Warwick.

2017: Humanities Research Fund to participate in the annual Cormac McCarthy Society Conference in Austin, Texas. Awarded by the Humanities Research Centre, University of Warwick.

2017: Nominated for the Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence for Postgraduates.

2016: Conference funding, awarded by the English and Literary Studies Department, University of Warwick.

2009/10: ERASMUS Scholarship for an academic year at University College London, first choice, awarded by the University of Cologne.


Laug, K. and M. Scherer. “The Architecture of Memory in Cormac McCarthy’s The Stonemason.” [In preparation for The Cormac McCarthy Journal].

Laug, K. and S. Palawaththa. “Review: Tim Marshall, Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Global Politics.” In: Reinvention. Vol. 11, Iss. 2. October 2018.

Rebmann, K. “Cormac McCarthy's Topology of Violence.” Ed. Louise Jillett. Cormac McCarthy: Borders and Landscapes. London: Bloomsbury, 2016.

Laug, K. “Organising the ‘And So the Judge Returns: Blood Meridian at the University of Warwick’ workshop”. Exchanges: The Warwick Research Journal. Spring 2016.

Papers & Talks

“Eating Innocent Flesh: Anthropophagy and Social Monstrosity in the Work of Cormac McCarthy”. "Bites Here and There”: Literal and Metaphorical Cannibalism across Disciplines University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.

"Reading the Body - An Aesthetics of Class and Resistance in Cormac McCarthy". Global Research Priorities - Reassessing Poverty and Inequality: Theories, Representations and Aproaches. University of Warwick. Coventry, UK. June 2018.

"Reading the Body - An Aesthetics of Class and Resistance in Cormac McCarthy". 14th Annual PG Symposium. University of Warwick. Coventry, UK. May 2018.

"The Weird and the Monstrous is Cormac McCarthy". The American Weird: Ecologies and Geographies Conference. Göppingen, Germany. April 2018.

"Cormac McCarthy’s Broken Bodies: An Aesthetics of Resistance". The Cormac McCarthy Society Conference. Austin, Texas. September 2017.

"Kekulé, Or: The Problem of the Dreaming Body". Workshop: Cormac McCarthy and Philosophy. British Society for Phenomenology and Nottingham Trent University. Manchester, UK. July 2017. Podcast.

"Cormac McCarthy’s Communities of Broken Bodies". ISCH Annual Conference: Senses, Emotions and the Affective Turn - Recent Perspectives and New Challenges in Cultural History. Umeå, Sweden. University of Umeå. June 2017.

"'Hope collapses into monochrome': Colour-coding Bodies and Spaces in Cormac McCarthy’s Work". NAAS American Colours Biannual Conference. Odense, Denmark. University of South Denmark. May 2017.

“'A delegation of human ruin': Reading the Body in McCarthy’s Work". Crossroads and Transgressions: Cormac McCarthy Between Worlds. JFK Institute. Berlin, Germany. July 2016.

“Organising a live-streamed workshop”. PGReX Meeting, University of Warwick. Coventry, UK. January 2016.

“‘Everywhere the dying groaned and gibbered’: Wounds, Scars, and Mutilation in Blood Meridian”. And So the Judge Returns: Blood Meridian Workshop at the University of Warwick. Coventry, UK. November 2015.

“Cormac McCarthy's Topology of Violence.” Cormac McCarthy: Borders and Landscapes International Conference. University of Western Sydney. Sydney, Australia. July 2014.

“Violence Reconsidered.” 9th Annual Postgraduate Symposium. University of Warwick. Coventry, UK. May 2013.


Since 2018: Member of the Diversity and Equality Working Group, English and Comparative Literary Studies Department, University of Warwick.

2016 - 2018: Chair, Postgraduate Student Staff Liaison Committee (PGSSLC). English and Comparative Literary Studies Department, University of Warwick.

2015: Deputy Secretary, Postgraduate Student Staff Liaison Committee (PGSSLC). English and Comparative Literary Studies Department, University of Warwick.

2015: Mentor for Taught MA Students wishing to apply for further studies. English and Comparative Literary Studies Department, University of Warwick.

Since 2015: Member of the Residential Life Team at the University of Warwick, Resident Tutor at East Court Heronbank.

Conference, workshop, seminar organisation

“12th Anniversary Postgraduate Symposium: The Department of English and Comparative Literature Studies”. Funded by the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies. University of Warwick. Coventry, UK. Co-organisation with Emanuelle Rodrigues Dos Santos and Di Wu. May 2016.

“Warwick Arts Faculty Postgraduate Seminar Series”. Funded by CADRE and HRC. University of Warwick. Coventry, UK. Co-organised with Madeleine Scherer and Rita Dashwood. 2015-16.

And So the Judge Returns: Blood Meridian Workshop at the University of Warwick”. Funded by the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL). University of Warwick. Coventry, UK. November 2015.

Teaching experience

2018-19: Seminar Tutor for Academic Writing for Undergraduates.

2017-18: Seminar Tutor for EN304: 20th Century American Literature (Nominated for the Warwick Postgraduate Teaching Excellence Award).

2016-17: Seminar Tutor for EN123: Modern World Literature (Nominated for the Warwick Postgraduate Teaching Excellence Award).

2013: Lecture: “The Rhizome and Literature: Why Deleuze Matters.” Philosophy and Literature Society: Interdisciplinary Speakers Series. Lecture. University of Warwick.

Research assistance 

Sept. 2017: Visiting researcher at the Wittliff Collections, Alkek Library, Texas State University. Focus on the Cormac McCarthy Papers.

March to October 2014: Research assistant to Prof. Nicholas Monk, University of Warwick. Conceptualising and conducting interviews on the experience of reading and teaching Cormac McCarthy for Prof. Monk's monograph.