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Failure and resubmission

To obtain the MA degree, candidates must earn pass marks in all their modules and in their dissertation. Boards of Examiners are not permitted to condone and/or compensate failure in a module.

The maximum pass mark on re-examination/reassessment is 50. Boards of Examiners, following a procedure detailed in paragraph 3(f) of the Requirements, have the discretion to grant a resit/reassessment as first attempt in situations where there are extenuating medical or personal circumstances.

Students on taught postgraduate courses are normally allowed to remedy failure in up to (and including) 1/2 of the total credits awarded in the taught element of the course.

Students failing their dissertation/project with a mark of >30 will be permitted to remedy failure. Students obtaining a mark of 30 or less in the dissertation/project carrying a credit weighting of more than 60 credits will only be permitted to submit a re-worked dissertation/project for examination against different learning outcomes, the achievement of which would enable them to be considered for the award of a Postgraduate Diploma.

Where a student fails an assessment as a result of penalties for late submission, the student should normally be required to undertake a new assessment, dissertation or project (i.e. not revise/resubmit the same assessment). Where reassessment of work failed because of penalties for late submission is not practicable, the fail mark should stand and the matter considered by the relevant Board of Examiners.

The right to remedy failure resulting from a finding of cheating under University regulations shall be determined by the Head of Department, the Investigating Committee of the Senate or the Board of Examiners as appropriate.