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Conference Publications

Interfacing Disciplines: Textual Narratives of Departure, Navigation and Discovery: 6 - 7 June 2008

This latest collection of papers from the 2008 Doctoral Conference reflects the wide range of research interests of students, past and present, here at Warwick.  Our approach to Translation Studies, Comparative Literature and Postcolonial Studies has always been an interdisciplinary one and the present range of papers demonstrates the success of that approach.  Some of the students whose work is published here are still only at the very beginning of their doctoral research hence the papers raise problems that they will be developing further.  The whole object of the Doctoral Conference and of publishing these papers is to enable those who wish to exhibit their work to have helpful feedback from their peers and from the team of visiting experts who come every year to Warwick to offer advice.

Please click here for papers presented at the Conference (PDF Document)

Crossing the Disciplines: Explorations at the Interface: 1 - 2 June 2007

The distinctive feature that characterises this energetic collection of papers is a real sense of adventure that spans a wide range of pressing current concerns.  This is an academic community (a rare configuration in the 21st century) pushing back boundaries, reformulating agendas, combining a rigorous professionalism with a clear understanding of the wider social impact that these ideas make outside the academy.  All of this work is ongoing, and is an exciting response to the merging class of bean-counting bureaucrats determined to reduce intellectual activity to the mere packaging and co-modification of 'information'.

Please click here for papers presented at the Conference (PDF Document)


Translation in Global News: 23 June 2006

This conference focuses on news translation, a largely unexplored area which falls in between academic disciplines. Translation studies has traditionally ignored a field in which the process of interlingual transfer is performed by journalists and not translators. Media studies has remained largely monolingual in its approach and blind to the crucial intervention of translation in news production. Yet, since the establishment of the modern journalistic field, translation has been pivotal in the circulation of news which describe a highly interconnected world.

This interdisciplinary conference, funded by the AHRC, seeks to provide an arena in which to discuss theoretical issues related to the role of translation in news production, translation practices, strategies and ethics in the field of news, and also more applied analyses of specific texts and narratives.

Please click here for papers presented at the Conference (PDF Document)

Interpreting, Representing and Recording: 9 - 10 June 2006

The Doctoral Conference is one of the highlights of the year for the Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies. The papers collected here reflect work by doctoral candidates at very different stages of development.  In some cases, they have barely begun their studies, while others are now working towards completion.  The shape and nature of the papers reflects the different levels of development: in some cases, basic research questions are being posed, in other cases an argument has already been developed and underpins the paper, while others have opted for a case-study approach.  The format of the fifteen minute presentation necessarily constrains what can be done within such a tight time-frame, and speakers have to decide whether to work in broad bursh strokes or from the perspective of a miniaturist.  This diversity of approaches is also useful, as students learn from one another and come also to see what kind of changes they need to make to a thesis chapter in order to make their work meaningful to an audience.

Please click here for papers presented at the Conference (PDF Document)