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Student Support Services

Wellbeing Support Services offer a comprehensive support and welfare structure available to help with all kinds of different problems, including personal, health, financial, problems connected with the law and University regulations, problems involving the provision of facilities for students with disabilities, or harassment of any sort. Students may consult the services of their own accord, or may be referred to them by personal tutors/supervisors. There may be more than one option available to students in difficult situations. Support services available to students through the University comprise the following:

Student Support

Personal Tutors System

University Senior Tutor

Residential Life Team

International Office

Counselling Service

Disability Services

Mental Health Team

Student Wellbeing Advisor/Practitioner

University Health Centre


Student Advice Centre (an independent, free and confidential Students’ Union service)

Student Funding

Security Services

Student Support Services, located on the ground floor of University House, can be contacted by telephone on 024 765 75570 or email on

Students’ guide to Student Support Services entitled Need Help Finding Your Way? (available online from offers the following information on services provided:

Student Support

The Director of Student Support and the Student Support Team work closely with the University Senior Tutor to help students in times of need, and lead on the development of policy and practice in the area of student support across the University. They advise students on non-academic issues, including: personal or family problems; financial difficulties, accommodation problems; and in situations where students are unsure who to go to or where to get help.

The Student Support team provide support and pastoral care and helps foster a sense of community amongst students; give advice and practical help to students on a daily or more long term basis; and manage emergency and crisis situations which impact on students.

Student Support Services, located on the ground floor of University House, can be contacted by telephone on 024 765 75570 or email on

University Senior Tutor

The University Senior Tutor works closely with the Director of Student Support to help students in times of need by promoting the academic welfare of students, individually and collectively. The Senior Tutor is an experienced member of academic staff whom students can turn to in confidence for support regarding difficulties with their studies. The University Senior Tutor is responsible for the personal tutor system. The University Senior Tutor has no disciplinary function. Issues typically dealt with by the University Senior Tutor include: academic course issues such as change of course, advice on temporary withdrawal, appeals against academic decisions; academic complaints; difficulties in getting on with a personal tutor, course tutors or supervisors; and problems with termination of registration proceedings.

The University Senior Tutor can be contacted via email or telephone 024 765 22761.

Residential Life Team

All students who have accommodation on campus, or in some off-campus properties in the surrounding area, have access to an excellent network of support called the Residential Life Team. The Residential Life Team works and lives alongside students within the Halls of Residence and are a key part of the University’s welfare and support network.

Resident Tutors are there to help with a wide range of matters including: personal or family problems; feeling lonely or homesick; problems with accommodation – e.g. noisy neighbours, trouble settling in etc.; and when students are not sure where to get help or who to talk to. Resident Tutors in students’ accommodation are their primary point of contact; if unavailable, students are advised to contact the Student Support Office.

International Office (Immigration Team)

The International Office supports all EU and international students during their studies at Warwick and is able to assist with immigration advice (a free and confidential service advising on issues including visa extensions, dependant visas, working in the UK during or after study, travel visas, etc.); practical support (bringing family to the UK; Police registration; providing letters to prove student status for visa purposes; banking) and the International Student Experience (orientation and a programme of ongoing induction events; social events and trips for international students and their families; and the opportunity to take part in a HOST visit).

The International Office, located on the first floor of University House, can be contacted by telephone on 024 765 23706 or email or

Immigration Advice for Students

Advice on immigration can only be obtained via authorised staff who are deemed to meet the Immigration Services Commissioner’s Code of Standard and Guidance. Students should be directed to the Immigration Team within the International Office ( or the Students’ Union Advice Centre ( in the first instance for immigration advice. It is also worth noting that changes in a student’s enrolment status, for instance, temporary withdrawal, can have implications for their ability to hold a visa to remain in the UK and students may wish to seek advice accordingly.

Counselling Service

The University Counselling Service provides an opportunity for all students at any level and at any time of study at the University of Warwick to access professional therapeutic counselling so that they may better develop and fulfil their personal, academic and professional potential. There are a wide variety of services, including individual counselling, group sessions, workshops and email counselling.

Students may wish to visit the Counselling Service if they are: suffering from depression; experiencing stress/anxiety; having problems with self/identity; having problems with relationships; having issues from the past or present that may hinder their capacity to function – abuse, self harm, eating disorders, loss.

The University Counselling Service is located in Westwood House and can be contacted by telephone on 024 765 23761 or email

Disability Services

Disability Services offer advice, guidance and support to students with Specific Learning Differences/Dyslexia or other, hearing and visual impairments, physical disabilities, mobility difficulties, Asperger’s, unseen/medical conditions, mental health difficulties and any other impairment or condition that is likely to have an impact on their studies and life at University. The services provided are tailored to the individual and aim at enabling students to manage their support and studies independently.

Students should visit Disability Services to discuss individual support requirements; for advice on the Disabled Student Allowance (DSA); if they think they might be dyslexic or have any other Special Learning Difference; if they require exam arrangements, note taking, mentoring, specialist study skills support etc.; for information about accessible campus accommodation, parking, resources and assistive technology; and for information about external agencies that also provide support.

Disability Services are located on the ground floor of University House and can be contacted by telephone on 024 761 50641 or email

Mental Health Team

The University Mental Health Team provides advice, information and support as to facilitate academic work and participation in University life. Their main aims are to promote mental health and wellbeing throughout the University; to identify support needs; to discuss strategies for managing mental health difficulties; to provide short-term or ongoing support, which may include mental health mentoring for students in receipt of Disabled Students Allowances; to provide information and if needed, access to other services within the University and local mental health services.

Students should contact the Mental Health Team if they are struggling to manage a mental health difficulty; if they, or other people, have become concerned about their mental health recently; and if they would like to discuss strategies which may help them to cope with university life.

The University Mental Health Team is located on the ground floor of University House and can be contacted by telephone on 024 761 50226/51629 or email

University Health Centre

Students resident on campus and in some local areas should register with the University Health Centre. Students must be registered in order to use the Health Centre, although the Centre may be able to assist non-registered people in emergencies.

The Health Centre provides primary health care GP services to registered patients; two medical practices with both male and female doctors; nurse practitioners and Practice Nurses; sexual health clinics; travel clinics and immunisation facilities; physiotherapy sessions.

Students should visit the Health Centre if they require a consultation with a doctor or nurse; an emergency appointment; emergency contraception; vaccinations or advice on vaccinations; sickness certification.

Students living off-campus, who are not able to register with the health centre, can locate your nearest GP by visiting

The University Health Centre is located on Health Centre Road and can be contacted by telephone on 024 765 24888.


The Chaplaincy is the focus of Spiritual life on campus; it provides a meeting place for Christian, Jewish and Muslim prayer and worship. It is a focal point for different faith groups and student societies and offers a safe, supportive space at the centre of campus where people can ‘learn to live well together’. Students of all faiths and none can come and find a friendly place to chat and eat. A chapel, three kitchens, meeting rooms and an Islamic prayer hall make the Chaplaincy an inclusive, spiritual and social space that welcomes the whole University community.

Students can visit the Chaplaincy with personal issues – stress, debt, relationships, loneliness; vocational issues; theological issues; enquiries about using the Chaplaincy for religious and social functions.

The Chaplaincy is located by the Arts Centre and can be contacted by telephone on 024 765 23519 or email

Student Funding

The Student Funding team offers advice and guidance on all aspects of financial support. This includes government grants and loans, and scholarships and bursaries provided directly by the University. The team can provide budgeting advice to help make students’ money go further and also administers University hardship funds.

Students should visit Student Funding if they want to know what financial support they may be entitled to; want to know more about the scholarships and bursaries; are having difficulty paying for your day-to-day living expenses; or have additional financial needs because they care for a child or have a disability.

The Student Funding team is located on the ground floor of Senate House and can be contacted by telephone on 024 761 50096 or email


The University Security Team works 24 hours a day to support the University’s overall aims by ensuring there is a safe, secure and friendly environment for students, staff and visitors. The University also has a campus policeman who is located on the University campus, is available Monday to Friday (9am – 5pm) and can be contacted by telephone on 024 765 22083 or email In emergencies dial 999.

Students should call the security team about emergency response requirements – Doctor/Ambulance/Fire; safety and security issues on and off campus; assistance – pastoral care, directions and facility support; outdoor event applications and entertainment support.

Students’ Union Advice Centre

The Students’ Union Advice Centre ( is an independent Warwick Students’ Union-run service for all students. It offers free, confidential, non-judgemental advice and support on a whole range of issues.

Students can contact the Advice Centre if they have academic problems and difficulties with, for example, exams, change of course, academic appeals and complaints; have a housing problem with their accommodation on or off campus; have immigrations problems such as entry clearance, family members and working in the UK; have money or legal difficulties, or are simply not sure who to talk to or where to get help.

The Advice Centre is on the second floor of SU HQ next to the lift. It will see students usually by appointment or can be reached by telephone on 024 765 72824 or email


Some students, especially postgraduate or mature, may need information about child care provision on campus. The University Nursery is open to children of staff and students.