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Meet your personal tutor

You have been assigned a personal tutor whose job it is to guide, advise, supervise, and represent you over your three years at Warwick. The personal tutor is both a mentor and an advocate, someone who will listen to any academic problems and help you address them. In the first instance, problems that students have with writing assignments are referred to the personal tutor who is responsible for supervising remedial work.

You will find the name of your personal tutor on Tabula and you should make contact with them as soon as possible.

All personal tutors will be available to meet their first-years during extended office hours Monday to Friday, during the first 3 weeks of term. Information on their availability will be available on their staff profile pageLink opens in a new window and/or they may email you with their availability.

Remember that your personal tutor wants to get to know you – you don't need the excuse of a problem to stop in during an office hour for a chat. Remember too that you are permitted request to change personal tutors: as the term progresses you may develop a rapport with another member of staff whom you would prefer as your personal tutor. If you would like to request to change personal tutor, simply put a request into the English Office (ugenglish at warwick dot ac dot uk) indicating that you would like to change personal tutor. If you have built a rapport with another member of staff, please indicate this in your request and your request will then go to the department Senior Tutor for consideration.

Reviewing your progress

During the year, you must meet with your personal tutor at a time convenient to you both, to discuss your progress. Please ensure you keep all written feedback available for your non-assessed and assessed work wherever possible. It is helpful if you bring these documents to your meeting. The meeting will normally take place near the beginning of Term 2. (For year 2/3 students, this meeting will normally happen either at the end of Term 2 or the beginning of Term 3).