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Dr Andrea Selleri

N.B. Apart from this comment, this page was last updated sometime in 2017. I am no longer associated with Warwick in any way, shape or form. For an account of my current exploits, see my current institutional webpage or my profile. A.S. - November 2020.


I am currently a tutor in the English Department. Until I received my doctorate in 2014 I was a WPRS-funded PhD student in the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies. Before coming to Warwick I completed a BA and MA in Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the University of Trieste.

My main research concerns are, in a nutshell: the theory and practice of the notion of "the author"; the cultural history of the second half of the 19th century, in particular British and French literary criticism; the literature of the same period and area, especially Oscar Wilde's works; the philosophy of literature, especially (but not exclusively) in the Analytical tradition.

An abstract of my thesis, "The Author as a Critical Category, 1850-1900", can be found by clicking on "My PhD" above. The thesis was supervised by Professor Daniel Katz and examined by Professors Josephine Guy and Thomas Docherty, and I am currently revising it for publication in book form. Many shorter contributions to scholarship have appeared or are due to appear in journals and books (see the "publications" section for details).

In parallel to my personal research I am currently leading the project "21st-Century Theories of Literature", which aims at opening avenues for communication between literary scholars and philosophers interested in literature. In 2014 I organised with Philip Gaydon and Eileen John the conference "21st Century Theories of Literature: Essence, Fiction and Value": We have duly produced a number of related outputs, including a collection of essays forthcoming with Palgrave Macmillan. Another conference is upcoming - more details shortly. profile