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Mother of one (born in 2010s), from South-East England

After antenatal classes I was quite calm when it came to giving birth. Contractions started at 5am, my fiancé told me to call the hospital at 8am who told me to wait at home until the contractions were stronger. So my fiancé went to work as normal even though he wanted to stay at home with me. He text me hourly to see how I was. After we had our tea about 6pm the contractions very really painful so I put on the tens machine. At 9pm I called the hospital and we went in shortly after. When we arrived I was 6cm dilated. I had gas and air and 2 lots of pethedine. My fiancé was their the whole time and held my legs during the pushing stage at 6am. Baby finally arrived naturally at 8.06am. I needed surgery to repair the fourth degree tear shortly after the birth so daddy was left holding the baby. He coped really well for 2 hours considering he had never dressed or changed a nappy before. The next day we came home and my fiancé took 2 weeks paternity leave.