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Dr Manuela Hasse - Visiting Fellow

Associate Professor with Aggregation

Visiting from the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana

Contact Information:

Research Interests

The study of body and culture, following Marcel Mauss’s theoretical perspectives, have been the source of all the issues considered so far, mainly concerned with the study of the relations between body, health, medicine, hygiene and healing processes, culture and society. In this approach, the core of the problems studied are conducted through social and medical practices, concepts, images and representations, socially constructed in Portuguese society, from the middle of the nineteenth century until the middle of the twentieth century. At the same time, the construction of knowledge, photography and printing press, mainly related with body, sport practices, sport’s medicine and sport’s printing press have been pursued since the last five years until the present.

Current Research

Body and Mental Health. What is the relationship between body and mental health?
Research conducted as Associate Fellow of the Center for the History of Medicine, Warwick University, Warwick.

Selected Publications

(1999) O Divertimento do Corpo. Corpo, lazer e desporto na transição do Séc. XIX para o Séc. XX, em Portugal. Editora Temática. Lisboa.

Body’s Divertissement. Body, Leisure and Sport at the turn of the XIXth Century to the XXth Century in Portugal.

Articles in Magazines or Chapters in Collective Works

(2009) Joshua Benoliel (1873-1932): reporter photographique. Sport, presse et photographie ou l’émergence d’un fait social total. 13éme Carrefour d’Histoire du Sport. 30-31 Octobre – 1er Novembre 2008. Université Joseph Fourier. Sciences. Technologie et Médecine. UFRAPS. Grenoble.

Joshua Benoliel (1873-1932); photographic reporter. Sport, press and photography or the emergence of a fait social total.

(2009) Branca, Limpa e Alinhada. A re-significação da natureza no processo de transformação do corpo feminino (1983-1972) in Corpo, Educação e Cultura. Práticas Sociais e Maneiras de Ser. Ed. Injuí. Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil.

White, Clean and Well Ranged. Nature re-signification in the process of transformation of female body (1983-1972)

(2009) Play-time. Desporto, Fotografia e a Re-creação do Mundo. Obra de homenagem ao Prof. Jorge Crespo. Editora Cem-luz. UNL. FCSH. Lisboa.

Play-time. Sport, Photography and the Re-creation of the World. Collective work as a tribute to Prof. Jorge Crespo.

(2009) Sport et Photographie: un développement commun, in Sport and the Arts. Construction and Reality, XIIth International Congress CESH Proceedings, Université de Bretagne-Sud. L’Orient. Bretagne. (et al.)

Sport and Photographie : a commun development.

(2007) A Pedra e a Água. O Desporto e o Estádio Nacional no Vale do Jamor. O processo de re-significação da natureza no período do Estado Novo, in O Estádio Nacional. Um paradigma da Arquitectura do Desporto e do Lazer. Câmara Municipal de Oeiras.

The Stone and the Water. Sport and the Estádio Nacional at the Jamor Valley. The process of nature re-signification under the Estado Novo Dictactorship.

(2005) As Águas Minero-Medicinais e o Processo de Ritualização dos Lazeres. A Génese da Construção Social do Turismo da Saúde, Espiritual e Religioso. Caldas da Rainha. Património das Águas. A Legacy of Waters. Candidatura do Conjunto Termal a Património Nacional. Projecto de Candidatura a Património Mundial da Humanidade. Ed. Assírio e Alvim. Caldas da Rainha.

Mineral and Medical Waters and Leisure Ritual Process. Social Construction’s genesis of Health, Spiritual and Religious Tourism.

(2004) Ritos e Imagens do Lazer, nas Termas Portuguesas, na transição do Séc. XIX para o Século XX, in Cidade Termal. As Termas. As Freguesias Urbanas e Peri-Urbanas. A Praça dos Artistas. Caldas da Rainha. Boletim de Cultura Urbana. Ano III. Número 5.

Rituals and Images of Leisure, in the Portuguese Spa Centers, at the turn of the XIXth century to the XXth Century.
