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Week 10 - Ideologies and States III: The Wider World

It's the final week of term!

This week we will be examining the impact of colonialism and imperialism on the world beyond Europe. In particular, we will be thinking about globalisation, what we mean by the term, and whether we can usefully understand anything about modernity by examining it. Can you please read through the secondary materials listed on the module website for this week and spend as much time as you can looking through the photographic images linked through the primary source section.


Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the postits feedback I asked for a couple of weeks ago. As you might recall, I asked you tell me what you'd like us to stop doing/like less of, what you want us to keep doing, and things you'd like to see more of. Here is what you said and what I'm going to try and do accommodate the feedback and make the changes I can so that your MMW seminar time is as useful for you as it can be.

Stop doing
Continue doing
Start doing
  • Going off on tangents
  • Too fast a pace
  • Group discussions
  • Group work as part of larger group discussions
  • Answering the seminar questions posed on the module website
  • Opportunities to actually express opinions / ideas / arguments about topics
  • The playlists
  • More specific information about what we're going to be covering so that you can focus your readings more effectively
  • Recaps of key ideas at the start
  • Chance to talk about things that have not been understood in the lectures
  • Interdisciplinary opportunities
  • Debates!
  • More group work

My response:

  • You're totally correct about the tangents and I hope that the last couple of weeks have been much more focused on my part relating to what we need to discuss and trying to give clear connections to the seminar questions. This balance is hard to get right, so I appreciate continued feedback on this area (same with pace).
  • I'm glad you find the group discussions and small group work useful and that you feel there are opportunities to express personal ideas, opinions, etc. within the structure we're building.
  • I'm also happy you like the playlists -- I'll make sure to keep those up to date :)
  • Going forward:
    • I am happy to work in debates where I think there will be appropriate and useful.
    • I've tried to open up space at the beginning to talk about lectures, but I think I have not necessarily done so in a fashion where people have felt able to express concerns, etc., about their learning or understanding of the ideas presented that week. So, this is an open call to all of you to use the start of seminars to ask me about things that you aren't totally sure about. I can also try and use that time to give a clear re-cap of what the plan is for the seminar.
    • One thing I have not been as on top of as I would like to be is this space, which I have always intended as where you can get information on what we're donig week-to-week. So, I will do everything I can to make sure that this space is updated by the start of each seminar for the next week's material. This will give you a full week to do the readings, watch videos, etc. and will, I hope provide greater clarity in this area. Again, ongoing feedback about this will be really helpful for me in supporting you.

You will also have the chance to fill out the full module feedback form this week. We will come back to you with responses on that at the start of next term. Some of the issues you've raised here may also get talked about in that fourm, but you'll also have the chance to tell us about wider, module-related issues too.

Group project groups

As discssed last week, here are the group project groups we decided on.

Groups of four will have 20 minutes in which to present, groups of three will have 15.

Detailed information on what the group project is and what needs to be done can be found here.

Finally, please remember that this is the last week of term. We will meet again the week of 7 January 2019. Have a safe and happy holiday and I look forward to seeing you all back here in the new year.

Music By Which to Read

This week's playlist just barely begins to start to scratch the surface of a deep, rich, and complex creative outgrowth of the colonial and imperial experience. The tracks on this list chart a development of style and a fusion of sound from Africa since the early 1900s. The tracks are orderd in a vaguely chronological order, earliest to latest, and move geographically east to west and north to south across the contient. This is really just the most basic sampler of incredible sounds and does not even attempt to draw in Asian, Oceanic, or American sounds. Find the playlist here and the text version here.