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#CWIL conference

You can find out more about the #CWIL conference here.

CWIL online day 27th June 2013:

Advice for participants.

Please take time to ensure that you have followed the following steps prior to joining us on the day:

  • Ensure that you have a computer with good internet access and a headset.
  • Ensure that you have applied all updates to your computer (windows updates, java updates)
  • Check that your computer can connect to a Blackboard Collaborate online classroom by accessing this test room first.

Your access link to the conerence will be sent to you by email prior to the day.

Social media such as twitter will be used prior to and during the event. Please use the #cwil hastag.

We have an event community page on google+ here this is open to the public.

If you need help:

As some technical issues may be local to your machine you may wish to check the requirements. System requirements are listed here.

If you are accessing on an institutional network you should first get support from your local technical support provider. They can find complete information about the Blackboard Collaborate v12 environment here.

You can email us:

Useful documents:

Participants quick start guide.

Detailed participants guide.

Joining the conference on mobile device? ipad or android.

Download the mobile users guide.