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Staff Profile: Melodee Beals

Dr Melodee Beals



Work at the History Subject Centre

Melodee's work for the Subject Centre was primarily concerned with internationalisation and early career academics, including mentoring, new lecturers, part-time teaching and postgraduate teachers. She has been involved in a number of internationalisation projects, including the Higher Education Academy's Teaching International Students (TIS) project.

Current Teaching and Research

She recently completed her PhD (University of Glasgow) on the effects of nineteenth century emigration on those left behind. Her main research interests include migration studies and the provincial press. She also currently teaches on North American Themes and Problems and Reform, Revolt and Reaction in the US at the University of Warwick.

Select Publications

Coin, Kirk, Class and KinCoin, Kirk, Class and Kin: Emigration, Social Change and Identity in Southern Scotland (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2011)

"The Sojourning Settler: Transatlantic Networks and Identities in the British-American Tobacco Trade, 1740-1841 " Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies 3:1 (August 2009).

"'Passengers Wishing to Embrace This Commodious Conveyance, Will Apply Immediately': The Rise in Emigrant Passage Advertising in the Scottish Borders, 1800-1830." International Journal of Regional and Local Studies 4:1 (Spring 2008).

"Caledonian Canaan: Scottish Cultural Identity in Colonial New England as Demonstrated by the Scotch-American Company of Farmers," International Review of Scottish Studies 30 (September 2005).