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Term 1 Week 5

Qualitative text analysis

Among the most common sources of data in political science research are written (and increasingly visual) sources, such as personal letters, newspapers, party manifestoes, tv programmes. Although often associated with counting words or phrases, these primary sources can be analyzed with both quantitative and qualitative methods. Rather than defending one or the other approach, we concentrate on efforts to bridge the divide but focus primarily on qualitative methods for textual analysis, notably qualitative content analysis. How do we minimize the weak reliability, while maintaining the strong validity?

Methodological readings Applied readings
  • [1] Hermann, M. (2008) Content Analysis, in: A. Klotz and D. Prakash (eds.) Qualitative Methods in International Relations. A Pluralist Guide. Palgrave Macmillan, Ch. 10 (pp. 151-167).
  • [2] Mayring, Philipp (2000) “Qualitative Content
    Analysis”, Forum: Qualitative Social Research 1(2): Art.20.

[1] Book available as e-book through library. Simply copy-paste the title of the book into the article search function of the 'encore'-platform.

[2] Journal available as e-journal through library. Simply copy-paste the title of the article into the article search function of the 'encore'-platform.

  • [1] Muldoon, O., K. McLaughlin, and K. Trew (2007) Adolescents' perceptions of national identification and socialization: A grounded analysis, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 25(4): 579-594.
  • [2] Hsieh, H. and S. Shannon (2005) Three Approaches to Qualitative Content Analysis, Qualitative Health Research 15(9): 1277-1288.

[1] [2] Journal available as e-journal through library. Simply copy-paste the title of the article into the article search function of the 'encore'-platform.

Recommended readings

  • [1] Kohlbacher, F. (2006) The Use of Qualitative Content Analysis in Case Study Research, Forum: Qualitative Social Research 7(1): Art.21.

[1] Journal available as e-journal through library. Simply copy-paste the title of the article into the article search function of the 'encore'-platform.