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How can networked communications be harnessed for use to improve NHS services for young people living with long-term conditions in the community?

This study comprised one strand of work within a larger study funded by the NIHR as part of its Programme Development Grant Scheme: Long-term illness, Young people and Networked Communication technologieS (LYNCS). Warwick Medical School was funded to investigate the potential for networked communication technologies (NCTs) to be harnessed to improve NHS services for young people living with chronic conditions. The principal research question for this strand of the project was to investigate how young people with long-term illnesses use different NCTs (such as Facebook, Twitter, mobile telephones etc) in relation to their health. The work conducted as part of this project was intended to help us prepare an application for a full programme grant for the NIHR, by enabling us to refine our research objectives to better address the needs of both patients and clinicians.

The research team was:female_teenage_patient.jpg

Prof John Powell (Principal Investigator)

Prof Frances Griffiths

Dr Julie Roberts

