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Danielle Lloyd


Danielle graduated from the University of Kent with First Class Honours. As part of her undergraduate degree SHE completed a third year project relating to copper-mediated reversible deactivation radical poolymerisations under the supervision of Dr. Simon Holder.

She is currently a fourth year PhD student within the Haddleton Polymer Group at the University of Warwick and is sponsored by BASF.

Research Interests:

Conducting copper-mediated RDRPs in polar media.

Depolymerisation of water-soluble polymers.

Synthesis of stimuli responsive polymers.


3) Rapid Synthesis of Well-Defined Polyacrylamide by Aqueous Cu (0)-Mediated Reversible-Deactivation Radical Polymerization
Glen R Jones, Zaidong Li, Athina Anastasaki, Danielle J Lloyd, Paul Wilson, Qiang Zhang, David M Haddleton, Macromolecules, 2016, 49 (2), pp 483–489

2) Controlled aqueous polymerization of acrylamides and acrylates and "in situ" depolymerization in the presence of dissolved CO2
Danielle J. Lloyd, Vasiliki Nikolaou, Jennifer Collins, Christopher Waldron, Athina Anastasaki, Simon P. Bassett, Steven M. Howdle, Adam Blanazs, Paul Wilson, Kristian Kempe and David M. Haddleton
Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 6533-6536

1) Absolut “copper catalyzation perfected”; robust living polymerization of NIPAM: Guinness is good for SET-LRP

C Waldron, Q Zhang, Z Li, V Nikolaou, G Nurumbetov, J Godfrey, Ronan McHale, Gokhan Yilmaz, Rajan K. Randev, Mony Girault, Kayleigh McEwan, David M. Haddleton*, Martijn Droesbeke, Alice J. Haddleton, Paul Wilson, Alexandre Simula, Jennifer Collins, Danielle J. Lloyd, James A. Burns, Christopher Summers, Claudia Houben, Athina Anastasaki, Muxiu Li, C. Remzi Becer, Jenny K. Kiviaho and Nuttapol Risangud

Polymer Chemistry, 2013, 5 (1), 57-61

Office Phone Number:
+44 24 765 22263

Mailing Address:
Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick
Library Road, CV4 7AL
Coventry, UK