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Information Engineering


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The Challenges

Issues around global and personal security, healthcare for the 21st century, and optimisation of wireless communications and biophysical communications drive our Information Engineering research.

Our Research

Developing fundamental theory and applications relating to the generation, distribution, analysis and use of information in image and video, bioinformatics, health informatics, optical and wireless communication, and biophysical communication engineering.

The Information Engineering Research Group focuses on the development of computational models and algorithms, the analysis of signal, image and other data, biophysical signal propagation, molecular communication engineering, cellular signal processing, and machine learning.

Our Laboratories

The Research Group is organised into four research laboratories:

Performs a wide range of image/video processing research with diverse application areas including video enhancement, scene reconstruction for 3D object modelling and autonomous vehicle navigation, gait recognition for human identification, action/activity recognition for video surveillance, and affective computing for emotion recognition via facial expressions, body language and EEG. Lead by Dr Tardi Tjahjadi and Dr Thomas Popham.

Focuses on applications of information engineering theory and methods to practical health problems, in which eHealth, healthcare technology and information communication technology can give significant contributions. The research covers chronic cardiovascular diseases (i.e., hypertension, congestive heart failure), wellbeing (e.g., mental stress detection), and accidental falls prediction. Lead by Prof. Leandro Pecchia and Dr Davide Piaggio.

The Communications Systems Laboratory

Leads research in evolutionary optimisation of communication systems, wireless system design and analysis, energy harvesting techniques, wireless relaying and sensing, and cognitive radios. Lead by Dr Suhaib Fahmy

Focuses on biophysical signal propagation and processing from a communications engineering lens. Seeking how to understand and interact with these processes at a microscopic level. Research includes microscopic behavioural dynamics and information theoretic modeling of biochemical/biophysical processes. Lead by Dr Adam Noel.

The Information Engineering Group is part of the Systems and Information Stream.
Academic Staff

Dr Mark Leeson

Dr Adam Noel

Prof. Leandro Pecchia

Dr Thomas Popham

Dr Tardi Tjahjadi

Prof. Gan Zheng