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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Departments

Warwick Chemistry has an active outreach programme for both primary and secondary schools. Academic staff, researchers and PhD students are involved in chemistry-based scientific activities that engage around 7,000 young people each year.

The Department of Computer Science has an established programme involving local secondary schools and further education colleges. The aim is to raise aspirations for higher education and to help pupils develop a better understanding of Computer Science.


The School of Engineering works with schools to promote STEM subjects, and in particular engineering. In addition to University wide outreach activities, the School of Engineering also offers student run outreach sessions in schools.

The School of Life Sciences is committed to working with schools and the community. Academic and support staff, researchers and students from the School work with schools and the community to provide experience of the Life Sciences.


The Department of Mathematics runs master classes for students from various age ranges, as well as enrichment events, including the Monopoly Maths Trail and our annual Maths and Beyond Day.


The Department of Physics participates in and runs a variety of activities which engage with the wider community, and in particular schools. The Astronomy & Astrophysics group at Warwick also has an active outreach programme that engages with different audiences.

WMG look to encourage young people to switch onto science, technology and engineering with a number of imaginative projects aimed at building links with the local community. Young people have the opportunity to learn and understand what they could achieve via WMG's workshops, demonstrations and competitions.