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Crop Disease

At Warwick Crop Centre, School of Life Sciences, we carry out research on a wide variety of plant diseases with a focus on protected and outdoor vegetable crops. We have extensive expertise in different aspects of plant pathology including pathogen biology, genetics and epidemiology and use our research to develop new and sustainable disease management strategies. These include crop genetic improvement, disease forecasting and various biological control approaches. We employ a wide range of molecular and conventional techniques such as next generation sequencing, DNA-based diagnostics and modelling which is complemented with extensive controlled environment, glasshouse and field facilities including dedicated quarantine areas for soilborne diseases.

The scope of our work covers the full range from fundamental to applied studies, with funding from research councils (UKRI, BBSRC, NERC), government (Defra), Innovate UK and the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB). We work closely with industry including many growers, breeding and crop protection companies and interact and collaborate with the wider crop and plant research community both nationally and internationally. Please contact for further information.