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Stephen Cantrell

I am a fourth year PhD student under the supervision of Professor Richard Sharp. My main research areas are ergodic theory and thermodynamic formalism. I am particularly interested in geometrical counting problems.


The Manhattan curve, ergodic theory of topological flows and rigidity (with R. Tanaka). arXiv:

Comparison theorems for closed geodesics on negatively curved surfaces (with M. Pollicott). arXiv:

Relative growth in hyperbolic groups (with R. Sharp), to appear in Monatshefte für Mathematik. arXiv:

Typical behaviour along geodesic rays in hyperbolic groups, to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift. arXiv:

Statistical limit laws for hyperbolic groups, to appear in Transactions of the AMS. arXiv:

A central limit theorem for periodic orbits of hyperbolic flows (with R. Sharp), to appear in Dynamical Systems. arXiv:


2019/2020 TA for MA424 Dynamical Systems, MA427 Ergodic Theory

2018/2019 TA for MA424 Dynamical Systems, MA427 Ergodic Theory

2017/2018 TA for MA424 Dynamical Systems, MA427 Ergodic Theory

2016/2017 TA for MA131 Analysis 1, MA3F1 Intoduction to Topology and MA427 Ergodic Theory

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