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Recommended Reading

Cooper J, Benjamin M (2004) Clinical audit in practice. Nursing Standard. 18, 28. 360-369

Bird D (2003) Discovering the literature of nursing: a guide for beginners. Nurse Researcher 11 (1) 56 - 70

Carnwell R, Daly W (2001). Strategies for the construction of a critical review of the literature. Nurse Education in Practice 1 (2) 57 - 63

Hek G, Langton H, Blundon G (2000). Systematically searching and reviewing the literature. Nurse Researcher 7 (30) 40 - 57

Hart C (2001) Doing a Literature Search: A Comprehensive Guide for the Social Sciences. London. Sage

Hart C (1998) Doing a Literature review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination. Sage. London

Jones C, Lyons C (2004) Case study: Design? Method? or comprehensive strategy. Nurse researcher 11 (3) 70 - 76