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Quantum measurement: a dialog of big and small

Wednesday, 28th September 2016

Department of Physics, University of Warwick

Organisers: A. Datta, G.C. Knee, G. Morley, R.A. Römer (Physics, Warwick) and
P. Verrucchi (Physics, Universita' di Firenze)

Workhop Photo

Background and Purpose

The idea that any statement made by a scientific theory – be that an equation, a postulate, a principle – either descends from or is confirmed by some experimental evidence lies at the heart of the so-called scientific method. In fact, the Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “a method or procedure that has characterised natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses”. The experimental procedure adopted for testing any statement thus acquires a foundational role in the theory itself: its relevance, however, is not always recognised. The above procedure is often taken for granted, with attention rather focused upon improving the properties of the instrumentation (such as resolution or sensitivity). This picture is challenged by quantum mechanics, a theory where the production of experimental results complies with rules which need in fact to be considered as an integral part of the theoretical system. This is typically done in the form of the “measurement postulate”, or “Born's rule”. As a result, the amount of research that has been devoted to the subject since the first formulations of the theory is huge, and yet physicists continue to argue that our understanding of the process is unsatisfactory. This feeling has grown even stronger in recent decades, due to the recently acquired capability of controlling individual quantum objects with ever greater precision. This pushes fundamental research in at least two areas: (1) in the design and realisation of new tests of quantum mechanics itself, including of rival successor theories and of various interpretational viewpoints and (2) the use of such objects as highly sensitive probes which can enable measurements of unprecedented fidelity, for example of gravitational waves and other tiny effects.



Time Title Speaker
Wednesday September 28th 2016
09:00-09:30 Registration  
Morning Chair: Animesh Datta
09:30-10:15 The structures of spatially and temporally separated measurements(PDF Document) Johannes Kofler
10:15-11:00 Leggett-Garg inequalities: a quasi-probability approach and parallels with the Bell inequalities(PDF Document) Jonathan Halliwell
11:00-11:30 Coffee break  
11:30-12:15 Measurements, memories and time(PDF Document) Lorenzo Maccone
12:15-14:00 Lunch  
Afternoon Chair: Rudolf A Römer
14:00-14:45 "Unsharp objectification" revisited - and what does it mean anyway to test quantum uncertainty?(PDF Document) Paul Busch
14:45-15:30 Macroscopic measuring apparatuses and the role of global symmetries(PDF Document)

Paola Verrucchi

15:30-16:00 Poster Session (with refreshments)  
16:00-16:45 Measuring coherence in macroscopic quantum systems(PDF Document) Benjamin Yadin
18:00- Dinner (informal)  
19:00- Farewell





Participation is by invitation only. Please contact if you think this workshop looks as if it would be of interest to you. Normally, we would be happy to accept self-invitations, but will not be able to pay for any expenses in this case.

Registration will start at 09:00 on 28th September 2016, at the University of Warwick, with the first talk at 10:00 (see above schedule). Note that the university is located at the outskirts of Coventry and not in Warwick. See for travel details and for maps of the central campus. In case you come by car, parking is available for delegates at car park 15.

Name Affiliation Status
  George C. Knee University of Warwick 26-30th Sept

Paul Busch York University & Centre for Quantum Technologies 27th-28th Sept

Rudolf A. Römer University of Warwick 26th-30th Sept

Dominic Branford University of Warwick 28th Sept

Johannes Kofler Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Munich 27th-28th Sept
  Paola Verrucchi University of Florence  
  Xin Tong University of Warwick  
  Jonathan Halliwell Imperial College  
  Edoardo Carnio University of Warwick  
  Julie Staunton University of Warwick  
  William Murray University of Warwick  
  Mark Hadley University of Warwick  
  Christos Gagatsos University of Warwick  
  Lorenzo Maccone Universita' di Pavia  
  Jamie Friel University of Warwick  
  Luke Smith University of Warwick  
  Gavin Bell University of Warwick  
  Magdalena Szczykulska University of Oxford  
  Owen Maroney University of Oxford  
  Samuele Ferracin University of Warwick  
  Benjamin Yadin University of Oxford  


Venue and Accommodation

Registration will be held in PS0.17 All talks will also be held in PS0.17. This room is in the Physical Sciences buildng (47), next to Physics, on the Warwick central campus.

The workshop will start with the registration at the University of Warwick. Note that the university is located at the outskirts of Coventry and not in Warwick. See for travel details and for maps on the central campus. In case you come by car, parking is available for delegates at car park 15.

In case you are self-invited, please call the hotel directly and arrange your stay.



Prof. Rudolf A Römer
Physics Department
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

e-mail: physicsadmin at warwick dot ac dot uk
Phone: +44 (0)24 76574328
Fax: +44 (0)24 76150897

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