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CFSA Seminar program

CFSA Seminars are currently being held online on MS Teams at 15:00 on a Monday. Everyone is welcome to attend so please let me know if you would like access to the team.

If you are interested in giving a talk then please contact A-M.Broomhall (at)

You can subscribe to the mailing list announcing these seminars here.

Past seminars can be found Here.

Our next seminar will be

Organised Events

This calendar's schedule is empty.

Past events

2016: RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting Modern data analysis in solar physics: progress in the automated analysis of solar features and their dynamics (RAS 8 Jan, organisers: Morton, Northumbria & Verwichte)

2014: IOP/Physics Day Synergy between Solar and Tokamak plasma Theory (Warwick 5 Feb, IOP plasma physics committee, CCFE & Verwichte)

2012: STFC Advanced Summer School in Solar Physics (Warwick 2-7 Sep, course director Verwichte)

CCPP Workshop: Algorithms, Performance and Accuracy in Gyrokinetic Codes (Warwick 23 Aug)

IOP Computational Plasma Physics conference (Brighton 5-7 Sep)

2010: RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting

2009: IOP Plasma Physics Conference

2005: PPARC Introductory Course in Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics