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Paula Copil

Position: research assistant

Research interests:

  • Fundamental plasma physics: plasma modelling (kinetic theory, MHD, two fluid)
  • Fusion plasmas: turbulence, zonal flows, GAMs
  • Solar physics: coronal heating, observations of flares, CMEs, loop oscillations

List of publications:

Dura P., Hnat B., Robinson J. and Dendy R. O., 2012, Vorticity scaling and intermittency in drift-interchange plasma turbulence (accepted at Phys. Plasmas)  (PDF Document) 

Robinson J., Hnat B., Dura P., Kirk A., Tamain P. and the MAST team, Interaction between a low frequency electrostatic mode and resonant magnetic perturbations in MAST, 2012, (accepted at PPCF)(PDF Document)

Copil P., Voitenko Y. and Goossens M., Torsional Alfven waves in current threads of the solar corona, A&A, 2010, 512, A17(PDF Document)

Copil P., Voitenko Y. and Goossens M., Torsional Alfven waves in small-scale coronal structures A&A, 2008, 478, 921(PDF Document)

Copil P., Voitenko Y. and Goossens M., Damping of torsional modes in the solar corona, AIPC, 2007, 895, 147

Voitenko, Y., Siversky, T., Copil, P. and Goossens, M., Magnetic interfaces in the solar atmosphere: waves, instabilities and energy release, 2006, cosp, 36.336

Voitenko, Y., Andries, J., Copil, P. and Goossens, M., Damping of phase-mixed slow magneto-acoustic waves: Real or apparent?, 2005, A&A, 437L, 47(PDF Document)


telephone: +44 (0)24 761 74211

fax: +44 (0)24 7652 3672


office: PS141