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ESRC Postgraduate Training Framework

The University of Warwick is one of only 21 institutions to be awarded a national Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Established in 2011 Warwick's ESRC DTC covers 19 subject areas (pathways) across the social sciences, providing financial and research support to a number of students looking to improve their skills and knowledge through postgraduate study.

Warwick ERSC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)

It is widely recognised that postgraduate research programmes should provide broad-based training beyond the specific skills that a student needs to complete their particular thesis. The department offers students a programme designed to meet those goals based on the Warwick ERSC Doctoral Training Centre programme. This programme consists of centrally provided modules and modules delivered at the Departmental level.

The centrally provided training consists of:

IM924-20 Philosophy of Social Science Research
IM925-20 Foundations in Qualitative Research
IM926-20 Research Design, Practice and Ethics

Department level training consists of:

PS903-10 Communication, Dissemination and Professional Issues
PS906-10 Experimental Design and Data Collection
PS929-60 DTC Social Science Resesarch Dissertation (Psychology)

Options: (CHOOSE AT LEAST 2)

PS901-10 Computational Modelling in Psychology
PS904-10 Practical Research Skills for Psychology
PS918-10 Psychological Models of Choice
PS919-10 Behavioural Science: Nudging and Persuasion

Students must also take one of the following modules:

PO91Q-20 Fundamentals in Quantitative Research Methods *
SO916-20 Quantitative Methods in Social Research
PS907-10 Advanced Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

* PO91Q can only be taken if supported by your supervisor and if it is relevant to your project and/or prior research experience

ESRC Funded Students

All ESRC funded students are expected to complete this training as part of their 1+3 programme of study which leads to an MA in Social Science Research, see:

Non-ESRC Funded Students

Non-ESRC funded students are strongly encouraged to engage with the Departmental level advanced training offered. Such training opportunities will be discussed with your supervisors and will form part of the annual review process.