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Dave Whitworth

After an Associate Fellowship at Warwick for the academic year 2007-2008 during, I was appointed as Lecturer in Biochemistry at Aberystwyth University. My contact details there are:

Institute of Biological Sciences, Cledwyn Building, Aberystwyth University, Ceredigion, SY23 3DD.

dew at aber dot ac dot uk

01970 621828

My most recent postdoc was addressing the complex phosphate acquisition system of Myxococcus xanthus. In a broader context, my research is attempting to understand the signalling pathways of M. xanthus particularly two-component systems and the sophisticated behavioural responses they regulate.

My scientific career started when I was taught about molecular biology in A-level biology - especially the molecular basis of transcription, translation and the lac operon. Thankyou particularly to Dave Knott at King Edward VI, Norwich school for his inspirational and enthusiastic lessons. I was then lucky enough to do a BA in Biochemistry at Balliol College, Oxford. After whetting my appetite for molecular microbiology with a fourth year project in the lab of Keith Dyke, studying lactamase induction in the superbug Staphylococcus aureus, I took a PhD and a first postdoctoral position in the lab of David Hodgson at the University of Warwick, investigating light-induced production of carotenoids in Myxococcus xanthus. Subsequently, I have developed an interest in other signalling pathways of M. xanthus.

Teaching and other activities:

In MOAC, I have taught Module 1 (Cellular Biosystems and Biomolecules) and Module 8 (Networks and Pathways). Within Biological Sciences I have taken first and second year undergraduate tutorial groups and I also demonstrate the microbial genetics practical for second year biological sciences undergraduates. In the Medical School I act as a tutor in small group workshops for the Molecules and the Human Body Module. I am also chairman of the Bioinformatics User Group organising committee. Teaching this year has also included a short course in bioinformatics for our first year PhD students. In order to prove that I am not a danger to young minds, (and improve my teaching if possible) I am taking the Warwick Teaching Certificate (certificate in post-compulsory education)

Balliol College