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Changing the date for your Project submission

Extensions to project submission dates are only granted in cases where there are valid grounds for such an extension and where you can demonstrate that - through no fault of your own - you have "lost" time which normally would have been devoted to your studies. Such grounds might be:

  • You have suffered severe illness (supported by a medical certificate) during the latter part of your registration period
  • You have experienced major personal/family problems. In this case you will be expected to notify the Programme Manager or your personal/project supervisor at the time of the occurrence and indicate its effect on your study ability and/or sought advise (and hence be able to gain support) from your doctor or a Counsellor.
  • Unplanned absence of your supervisor during the latter stages of your research
  • If you are a part-time registered student, extreme pressure of work may be seen as justification

The following will NOT be considered grounds for an extension:

  • holiday periods,
  • family visits,
  • your supervisor’s planned absence
  • inadequate time management (including late allocation of your project),
  • minor illness, unsupported by medical certification, [Note that any form of minor illness that can be self certified should be planned for and built into a contingency for the timing of your project completion.]
  • loss of files from computer storage media (you should ensure that you keep regular back-ups) or personal computer failure,
  • part-time work (in the case of full-time registered students)
  • your unauthorised absence from your registered place of study (full-time regsitered students)
  • delays in the binding of your dissertation - you should determine in advance how long this will take and build it into your timing plan

If you have a valid case you should do the following:

  1. Estimate the amount of time you have "lost" due to the reasons you believe give you a valid reason to apply for an extension
  2. Well BEFORE the submission deadline request the extension via your local centre. Clearly state the reasons for your request. You should also include a plan for completion of the programme requirements and enclose supporting documentation, such as a letter from your supervisor, medical certificates etc.
  3. The Programme Manager will determine if your case is valid and note any agreed rescheduled date and contact you with his/her decision; if the recommended extension period requires an extension of your registration period, this will be passed to the Academic Director of Graduate Studies for consideration (see Extending Your Period of Study)

NOTE: - your project supervisor may support your request for additional time, but they are NOT authorised to grant any extensions - only the Programme Director/Director of Graduate Studies may do that