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Progress Component

In this component of the project mark, your assessors are looking for you to have demonstrated appreciation and comprehension of the task in hand, reading around the subject and getting in a position to discuss it sensibly and to become self motivated.  Whether you have come to terms with new apparatus/experimental techniques/mathematical methods/computer routines/new technology is also considered.

Other areas your assessors are looking at are your diligence and competence in performing the task without excessive help, evidence of sustained activity and single mindedness of purpose throughout the period, evidence of planned programme to a timetabled conclusion, including the submission of regular progress reports and the timely submission of formal progress report in the Spring.


Mark Level

Progress Component Descriptor
80% + Outstanding Candidate showed considerable independence perhaps developing new but appropriate ways to approach the problem and exceeded what could be expected in the time scale.  Reporting was regular, concise and specific.
70% + Distinction Candidate achieved what could be expected in the time scale and showed the ability to be independent and reliable.  Developed new techniques/ methodologies which were well used and the chosen methodology was entirely appropriate to the problem
60 – 69%Good Pass Candidate performed to a satisfactory level through the project, requiring some general guidance in the direction of the project (but was largely independent and reliable on a day to day basis).  What could be expected had been achieved.
50 – 59% Pass Candidate required guidance throughout the project, but mainly achieved what could be expected and made some contribution to the area of work specified. 
40 - 49% Diploma Pass Candidate required considerable guidance throughout the project.  Demonstrated little self-motivation or time management skills.  Was unable to develop a project plan and keep to it.  Most of the work carried out at the last minute.
< 40% Fail Candidate has performed unsatisfactorily after considerable help, or has not sought help.  The poor progress is due to factors either directly under the control of the candidate or those which they could be expected to influence.