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Aerospace Digital Roadmap

stocksnap_yyg2919rxc.jpgHow has the evolution of manufacturing technologies influenced the aerospace industry?
To what extent have these new technologies contributed to product and service development in the aerospace industry?
These are just a couple of the questions that, with your help we can find the answers to.

We're asking you to complete our short survey to find out how much manufacturing technologies feature in your production processes and if adopting new technologies has benefited your organisation.

Recent technological advancements in manufacturing are enabling manufacturers to create higher quality goods, more economically and efficiently than ever before. We're interested specifically in the aerospace industry and finding out how such advancements are shaping manufacturing processes and performance.

Using your responses, we will gain an insight into how manufacturing technologies have evolved and how they have contributed to product and service development in the industry.

Want to be a part of this innovative research project?

Simply complete our survey here. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary and all your responses will be kept confidential. No personally identifiable information will be associated with your responses to any reports of these data. You can decide to withdraw from the survey at any time simply by closing your web browser.

If you have any questions about completing the survey please contact Sha Abubakar (S dot Abubakar at warwick dot ac dot uk)

Want to be a part of this innovative research project?

Simply complete our survey here.