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Survey on English for Young Learners teaching worldwide


Introduction Thank you very much for being willing to complete this questionnaire which concerns current policy and practice in the teaching of English to Young Learners. For the purposes of this questionnaire the term is used to refer to the teaching of English to children between the ages of 5 to 11 or 12 years old. Some of the questions ask about details and 'facts and figures' so it may be useful for you to read through it first in order to see what types of information we would like to collect. You could then return to the questionnaire on a later occasion when you have found what you need. It is not possible to 'save' the questionnaire and return. You would need to complete it all on one occasion and then submit it. Please answer all the questions that you are able to, but do not worry if you do not have all the information requested. There will always be an option that allows you to say that you do not have the particular information required and pass on to the next question. The main focus of this research is on English in the state school system although you will also find some questions on private provision which it is hoped will set the answers about state schools into context. The terms 'Primary school' and 'Elementary school' will be used interchangeably in the questionnaire to refer to the first stage of compulsory schooling which usually involves children in the age range 5 to 12 with some variations in starting and finishing age between countries. We will use the information you provide to build profiles of current practice in different countries, but we will not make use of your name or reveal your identity in any reporting of results unless you give us your express permission. On the other hand, we would like to acknowledge the kind assistance of our respondents, so if you are willing for your name to appear on an Acknowledgements list, please indicate this at the end of the questionnaire. Thank you once again for your very valuable support in this research
2. Please click on all roles on the list opposite that apply to you (required)
3. In some countries, state Elementary school teaching of English is preceded by some learning of English at the Early Years stage (pre-primary school, nursery or kindergarten) . Could you confirm the status of English Language Teaching at Early Years stages in your context? (required)
4. According to official policy in your context, at what age should children enter Year One of the state Primary school system? (required)
5. What is the official status of English Language Teaching in the state Primary/Elementary school system (children from 5 years old approximately to 11 years old approximately)? (required)
6. In what Year of state Primary/Elementary school do children begin their English lessons? (Year One = first year of school etc.) Choose the answer that best represents the situation (required)
11. Please indicate your level of confidence in the answer you gave above about numbers of primary schools in your country (required)
13. Please click on one of the answers opposite to indicate your level of confidence in the answer you gave above about the numbers of state primary school children in your country
15. Please click on one of the answers opposite to indicate your level of confidence in the answer you gave above about the numbers of state primary school teachers of English in your country (required)
16. Are there sufficient English teachers to cover the needs of Primary schools? Please click to indicate your choice (required)
17. Which kinds of teacher are involved in the official teaching of English in state Primary schools? Please select all options that apply (required)
18. What qualifications are acceptable in your country for a person to become officially accepted as eligible to teach English in state Primary schools? Please click on all the answers that apply (required)
19. What official documents exist at the moment to guide teachers about the content of Primary school English teaching in your country? Please choose the option which reflects the situation best (required)
21. What level of positive support does English in the state primary school receive from official local or national institutions? Please click on all answers which apply (required)
22. How free are teachers and schools in the state Primary sector to choose which types of materials to use? Please choose the option which reflects the situation best (required)
23. In your country, what is the proportion of private Primary schools providing mainstream education? This category includes all schools where fees are paid to private owners whether or not the curriculum is controlled by state authorities. Please select the option which best reflects the situation (required)
24. Is attendance at a private primary school expensive or within the means of ordinary people? Please select the option that reflects the situation best (required)
25. Is there any difference between the English language teaching in public Primary schools and private Primary schools? Please select the options that reflect the situation best (required)
26. In your country how many children attend English lessons for Primary school aged children in private language institutes/’cram schools’? Please select the option which best reflects the situation (required)
27. Is it an official requirement that children’s English is formally assessed at the end of state Primary school? Please select the option that reflects the situation best (required)
28. If you answered ‘YES’ to the question above about assessment, could you please click on the boxes opposite that reflect the situation in your context. If you answered ‘NO’ please go to the next question.
29. In your context, is there a level of English that children are officially expected or required to reach by the time they leave Primary School? Please click on the options which describe the situation most accurately. The levels (A1 – B2) are expressed according to the Common European Framework.
30. What other support do children in your country have for learning English? Please tick the options which apply
What arrangements are made to help children make a successful transition between English learning at Primary school and the Secondary level of schooling (e.g. Junior High or Middle School)?
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Although you have been invited to put your contact details in this form to make it possible for follow up communications to take place, this is not obligatory. Further, unless you expressly give me permission to acknowledge your help in this survey, I shall not make your identity known to anyone else.

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