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After Methods, What Then?

Plenary talk at IATEFL TTEd SIG International Conference 'The Journey from Input to Interaction in English language teaching', 25 April 2015


Abstract: I began with a critical examination of whether and, if so, why a 'post-method condition' has arisen. I suggested (partly on the evidence of this conference) that both methods and over-dependence on questionable science are still dominant, and that to deconstruct over-reliance on the 'method' concept and other forms of outside 'expertise', one way forward may need to lie, paradoxically perhaps, in a better appreciation of the past -- this would include greater appreciation of past cases of teacher agency and of applied linguistic approaches which do not involve 'applicationism'. Concrete suggestions for moving beyond methods have been rare, so I also explained and illustrated some possible approaches to the development of what might be called 'contextually appropriate methodology' or 'post-method pedagogy' – via sharing of locally defined successes, engagement in realistic, autonomy-oriented teacher-research, context-sensitive teacher education, non-hierarchical interaction between academics and teachers, and collaboration within teacher networks.

Some related resources and links:


Learner and Teacher Autonomy


'Difficult circumstances'