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Action Research by Teachers for Teachers - not forgetting learners, too!

A talk at Gediz University, Izmir, 22 June 2013

1) MA in ELTSM, Unviversity of Warwick - Professional Practice course

MA in ELT programmes, University of Warwick

MA in ELTSM programme, University of Warwick

Professional Practice course overview, 2012-13

Talks by MA in ELTSM Professional Practice students

(Angel’s talk -> 3.07)

(2003) 'Faute de mieux? Simulated action research, from participant perspectives', in Hancioglu, D. (ed.), TDTR5: [Proceedings of]Teachers Develop Teachers Research (CD-ROM). Ankara, Turkey: Middle Eastern Technical University & IATEFL Teacher Development and Research SIGs. [co-authored with P. Brown, S. Alagoz and S. Icmez]

(2007) ‘Responding to resistance’. In A. Barfield and S. Brown (eds), Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education: Inquiry and Innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [co-authored with P. Brown and E. Ushioda.] - summary

Interlude: A story from Paula Rebolledo's data

2) Chile: Action research project with secondary teachers (2013)

Chilean Champion Teachers Action Research Project

(Teachers talking about the project, from 4.58 to 6.16)


3) France: 'Exploratory' research following a workshop in Paris (2013)

Video of Katie Moran’s informal presentation of her exploratory research into oral presentations (in Paris) (from 5:31 to 27:04)

4) Turkey: Innovative practice following a workshop on 'pedagogy of autonomy as a rescue strategy' in Izmir (2011)

K. Funda Akgul Zazaoglu (2012) 'A story of autonomy'. Independence (newsletter of the IATEFL Learner Autonomy SIG) 54: 5-7.

5) IATEFL Research SIG

Teacher-Research Updates

ELT research resources

including video of workshop on questionnaire design:

ELT Research (newsletter)


6) Gediz University - English Preparatory Programme Teacher-Research

Dikilitaş, K. (ed.). 2011. Teacher-research Studies: Inquiries from Teacher Perspectives, Volume 1. Ankara: Nobel

Dikilitaş, K. (ed.). 2013. Teacher-research Studies: Inquiries from Teacher Perspectives, Volume 2. Ankara: Nobel

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