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Economic History of Coercion and State Formation

A conference to honour Mark Harrison

Organized by Jari Eloranta (Appalachian State University) and Bishnupriya Gupta (University of Warwick)

Hosted by Department of Economics and CAGE, University of Warwick 31st March to 1st April 2014
To be held at Scarman House, University of Warwick

Programme (PDF Document)

Monday 31st March 2014

8.45-9.00: Registration
9.00- 9.15: Welcome Address

Political Economy of Democracies and Dictatorships

Chair: Stephen Broadberry

9.15-10.00: Mark Harrison (University of Warwick) (with Inga Zaksauskiene) "Counter-Intelligence in a Command Economy"
10.00- 10.45: Mark Dincecco (University of Michigan) "Military Conflict and the Economic Rise of Urban Europe"

10.45 - 11.15 Coffee Break

11.15- 12.00: Nikolaus Wolf (Humboldt University Berlin) "How Britain unified Germany: 1815 and the Formation of the German Zollverein"
12.0- 12.45: Jari Eloranta and Pavel Osinsky (Appalachian State University) "Comparative Historical Analysis: Some Insights from Political Transitions of the First Half of the Twentieth Century"

12.45 - 14.00 Lunch

Chair: Tim Hatton

14.00- 14.45: Steven Nafziger (Williams College) "Decentralization, Fiscal Structure, and Local State Capacity in Late-Imperial Russia"
14.45 – 15.30: Andrei Markevich (New Economic School Moscow) "Soviet Political Economy Reconsidered: Punishment under Stalin"

15.30 - 16.00 Tea Break

War and State Formation in the Long and the Short Run
16.00- 16.45 Bishnupriya Gupta (University of Warwick) and Debin Ma (LSE) "South Asian State Formation and Economic Development"

17.15 - 18.15: Keynote Address

Chair: Andrew Oswald

James Robinson (Harvard University) "How to Build an Inclusive State"

19.30 - Dinner (Pre dinner drinks at 7 pm)


Tuesday 1st April 2014

Economic History of the 19th and 20th Century Conflicts

Chair: Tamás Vonyó

9.00- 9.45: Hugh Rockoff (University of Rutgers) "War, Money, and Inflation in the United States from the Revolution to the Vietnam War"
9.45- 10.30: Steve Broadberry (London School of Economics) and Peter Howlett (London School of Economics) "Lessons Learned? British Mobilisation for the
Two World Wars"

10.30-11.00: Coffee Break

11.00- 11.45: Price Fishback (University of Arizona) and Taylor Jaworski (Arizona) "American Warfare and Welfare in the Long Run"
11.45- 12.30: Eric Golson (University of Warwick) "Neutrality at War"

12.30- 13.45: Lunch

Chair: Peter Lindert

13.45- 14.30: Jochen Streb (University of Mannheim) and Jonas Scherner (University of Trondheim) "German Economy in the World Wars"
14.30- 15.15: Johann Custodis (University of Warwick) "Prisoners of War and Economic Performance"