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Each paper has been allocated a 45-minute slot. Presentations by the authors should be limited to 30 minutes to allow 15 minutes for questions and discussion.



Tuesday 22 July

11.00-11.15: Welcome and introduction

11.15-12.00: Paper 1
South Asia and the early modern Indian Ocean world
Om Prakash (Delhi)

 12.00-12.45: Paper 2
Reconstructing, re-estimating, and re-imagining British trade with Asia during the very long eighteenth century
Huw Bowen (Swansea)

12.45-14.00: Lunch

14.00-14.45: Paper 3
The sources of long-term economic growth in Indonesia, 1880-2007
Pierre van der Eng (ANU)

14.45-15.30: Paper 4
Colonial state formation and patterns of economic development in Java 1800-1913
Jan Luiten van Zanden (Utrecht)

15.30-16.00: Tea and Coffee

16.00-16.45: Paper 5
China's economic development and global integrations in the long run
Thomas Rawski and Evelyn Rawski (Pittsburgh)

16.45-17.30: Paper 6
The evolution of living standards and human capital in China, 18th – mid-20th century Joerg Baten (Tübingen), Debin Ma (LSE), Stephen Morgan (Nottingham), and Qing Wang

 17.30-18.15: Paper 7
Colonial rule, property rights and economic development in the Philippines
Iyer, Lakshmi (Harvard)

20.00: Dinner


Wednesday 23 July

09.00-09.45: Paper 8
Comparative Output and Labour Productivity in Manufacturing for China, Japan, Korea and the United States for 1935 by a Production PPP Approach
Kyoji Fukao (Hitotsubashi), Harry Wu (HKPU) and Tangjun Yuan (Hitotsubashi)

09.45-10.30: Paper 9
The historical roots of India’s service-led development: a sectoral analysis of Anglo-Indian productivity differences, 1870-2000
Stephen Broadberry and Bishnupriya Gupta (Warwick)

10.30-11.00: Tea and Coffee

11.00-11.45: Paper 10
Taxation and educational development:evidence from British India
Latika Chaudhary (Stanford)

11.45-12.30: Paper 11
Growing public?: Explaining the changing economic role of the state in Asia over the 20th century
Anne Booth (SOAS)

12.30-13.15: Paper 12
Unity of diversity? Market integration and long-run economic growth in Indonesia
Daan Marks (IISG, Amsterdam)

13.15-14.15: Lunch

14.15-15.00: Paper 13
Forest History and the Great Divergence: China, Japan and the West
Osamu Saito (Hitotsubashi)

15.00-15.45: Paper 14
Climatic fluctuations and international rice trade: a preliminary investigation
A.J.H. Latham (Swansea)

15.45-16.15: Tea and Coffee

16.15-17.00: Paper 15
Globalization, trade and real wages in the pre-World War II Tropics
Giovanni Caggiano and Gregg Huff (Glasgow)

17.00-17.45: Paper 16
Shares of the rich and the rest in the world economy: income divergence between nations, 1820-2030
Angus Maddison (Groningen)

17.45-18.30: Paper 17
Globalisation and the Great Divergence: was Indian deindustrialization after 1750 different?
Jeffrey Williamson (Harvard)

20.00: Dinner


Thursday 24 July

09.00-09.44: Paper 18
Trade, institutions and religious tolerance: evidence from India
Saumitra Jha (Harvard)

09.45-10.30: Paper 19
Language and industrialization in mid-20th century India
David Clingingsmith (Case Western)

10.30-11.00: Tea and Coffee

11.00-11.45: Paper 20
Railroads and the Raj: the economic impact of transportation infrastructure
David Donaldson (LSE)

11.45-12.30: Paper 21
'Sufficiency, sufficiency and sufficiency': revisiting the Bengal Famine of 1943-44
Cormac Ó Gráda (UCD)

12.30-13.30: Lunch

13.30: End





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