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Implications for practice

The attached document on Implications for Practice of Cross-cutting Disadvantage, produced by Jenny Bimrose in 2005, contains materials relating to multiculturalism at the individual and organisational levels, together with an exploration of the concept of intercultural understanding. The document contains the following sections:

Increasing multicultural competence at the individual level: Practical strategies and techniques to enhance diversity awareness. This includes support materials that can be used by practitioners, managers, researchers, trainers and others - who wish to develop their multicultural competencies in a proactive way.

Multicultural organisational development: A model for moving organisations towards multiculturalism, it analyses the functional focus, the competence needed by the organisation and the barriers to multiculturalism.

Inter-cultural understanding: Understanding a culture, even one’s own, is not to be taken for granted. In this section the differences between 'surface culture' (spoken and written language, symbolic aspects such as religion, art and law) and 'deep culture' (a shared sub-consciousness) are explored through the ideas of Johan Galtung.

Research findings on vocational guidance for the disadvantaged: This section contains a series of research papers on vocational guidance for the disadvantaged.