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Other's perspectives - references

  • ALI, L., & GRAHAM, B., (1996) The Counselling Approach to Careers Guidance London: Routledge
  • ARTHUR, M. B., HALL, D. T., and LAWRENCE, B. S.,(1989) Generating new directions in career theory: the case for a transdisciplinary approach in ARTHUR, M. B., HALL, D. T., and LAWRENCE, B. S., (Eds) (1989) Handbook of Career Theory, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
  • BROWN, C. (2002) 'Career Counseling Practitioners: Reflections on Theory, Research, and Practice' Journal of Career Development 29(2): 109-127.
  • COLLIN A.,& WATTS, A.G., (1996) The death and transfiguration of career – and of career guidance? In British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, Vol. 24, No. 3, 1996, pp 385 – 398
  • COLLIN, A., (1998) Re-thinking the relationship between theory and practice – Practitioners as map-readers, map-makers – or jazz players in EDWARDS, R., HARRISON, R., & TAIT, A., (Eds) (1998) Telling Tales: Perspectives on Guidance and Counselling in Learning, London: Routledge/Open University Press
  • GOTHARD, B., MIGNOT, P., OFFER, M., & RUFF, M., (2001) Careers Guidance in Context, London: Sage
  • IRVING, B., & MARRIS, L., (2002) Towards an inclusive framework in ICG (INSTITUTE OF CAREER GUIDANCE) (2002) Career Guidance: Constructing the Future, Social Inclusion, Stourbridge: ICG
  • KIDD, J.M., & KILLEEN, J.,with JARVIS, J., & OFFER, M., (1996) Competing schools or stylistic variations in careers guidance interviewing in British Journal of Guidance and Counselling Vol. 25, No. 1, 1996 pp47-66
  • KIDD, J.M., & KILLEEN, J., with JARVIS, J., & OFFER, M., (1994) Is Guidance an applied science?: the role of theory in the career guidance interview in British Journal of Guidance and Counselling Vol. 22, No. 3, 1994 pp 385-403
  • KIDD, J.M., KILLEEN, J., JARVIS, J., & OFFER, M., (1993) Working Models of Careers Guidance: The Interview, Birkbeck College/ NICEC LEWIN, K., (1951) Field Theory in Social Science, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • MARANDA, M-F., & COMEAU, Y., (2000) Some contributions of sociology to the understanding of career in COLLIN, A., & YOUNG, R.A., (Eds.) (2000) The Future of Career Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • McNAIR, S., (1993) Conclusions and Recommendations in WATTS, A.G., STERN, E., & DEEN, N., (Eds) (1993) Careers Guidance Towards the 21st Century Cambridge: CRAC
  • NICEC, (1994) The Careers Guidance Interview, theory and practice, NICEC Briefing, Cambridge: CRAC
  • NORCROSS, J.C., & GRENCAVAGE, L.M. (1989) Eclecticism and Integration in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Major Themes and Obstacles in British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, Vol. 17, No. 3 Sept. 1989, pp227 - 247
  • THOMPSON, N. (2000) (2nd Ed) Theory &Practice in Health and Social Welfare, Buckingham: Open University.
  • WATTS, A.G., (1996) Socio-Political Ideologies in guidance in WATTS, A.G., LAW, B, KILLEEN, J., KIDD, J., HAWTHORN, J., (1996) Rethinking Careers Education and Guidance: London, Routledge