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Draft Papers

Sam Adelman Sovereignty, Sustainability and Natural Resources: The Limits of the Law (PDF Document)

Daria Davitti Away from the Spotlight: Bilateral Investment Treaties, Natural Resources and the Right to Water in Afghanistan (PDF Document)

Deval Desai and Amelia Evans The Stakes of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives: Thinking Critically about MSIs as Tool of Global Governance for Natural Resources and Beyond (PDF Document)

Patricia Galvao Ferreira Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI): Using a Global Private-Public Partnership to Facilitate Domestic Governance (PDF Document) 

Yao Graham Escaping the Winner's Curse: The Africa Mining Vision (AMV) and Some Challenges of the International Trade and Investment Regime (PDF Document) 

Junfeng Gu Gu - Dispute Resolution in the South China Sea (PDF Document)

James Harrison Establishing a Meaningful Human Rights Due Diligence Process for Corporations: Learning from Experience of Human Rights Impact Assessment (PDF Document)

Dominique Hervé Espejo Fair Distribution of Environmental Benefits and Burdens Related to Access, Use and Enjoyment of Natural Resources (PDF Document)

Lise Johnson (co-authored with Oleksandr Volkov) Investor-State Contracts, Host-State "Commitments" and the Myth of Stability in International Law (PDF Document)

Liber Martin (co-authored with Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky and Juan Justo) The State Duty to Protect from Business-Related Human Rights Violations in Water and Sanitation Services: Regulatory and BITs Implications (PDF Document)

Sol Picciotto Unitary Taxation of TNCs and its Relevance for Extractive Industries (PDF Document)

Rachel Sieder Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Judicialization and Natural Resources (PDF Document)

Patricia Urteaga Between Water Abundance and Scarcity: The Cultural Politics of Biofuels in Piura, Northern Peru (PDF Document)