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Firat Akova

Fırat is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Warwick, doing research on effective altruism. He completed his Master of Arts in Istanbul Bilgi University. He received his Bachelor of Arts from McGill University with a double major in Philosophy and Sociology, and a minor in World Religions.


Effective Altruism and Extreme Poverty

As a growing philosophical and social movement, effective altruism encourages individuals to ponder over the question of “How can we as individuals use our resources to maximise our positive impact in the world?” By employing cause prioritisation, cost-effectiveness, and counterfactual reasoning, it diverges from other practices of good through evaluating the relative significance of issues, quantitatively comparing the solutions and renewing its assessment upon recent evidence. Extreme poverty, animal welfare, climate change and existential risk are among the causes on which effective altruism focuses. Effective altruists donate a sizeable amount of their money to the most effective charities, convert to vegan, choose careers which allow them to do the most good and campaign for various political demands.

Fırat aims to assess the strengths and weaknesses of effective altruism in alleviating extreme poverty and respond to possible challenges against effective altruism.


Seminar Tutor

(2018) Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick


(2017-Present) Treasurer, Effective Altruism Society: Warwick

(2016-Present) Co-Representative, Minorities and Philosophy

(2012-Present) Founder, Poedat Kolektifi

(2011-2013) Executive Member, Philopolis Montreal


(2016-8) Scholarship for PhD Degree, Various Sponsors

(2014-6) Scholarship for Master's Degree, Istanbul Bilgi University

(2011-4) Scholarship for Undergraduate Degree, Vehbi Koç Foundation

(2011-2) Entrance Bursary, McGill University

(2010) Honorary Mention, 18th International Philosophy Olympiad, Harvard University

(2010) Gold Medal, 14th Philosophy Olympiad of Turkey, Philosophical Society of Turkey

(2009-10) Sir Peter Ustinov Outreach Award, European Council of International Schools

Selected Presentations, Lectures, Talks

(2018) The Crime of Extreme Harm, Retributive Justice, and the Virtual Reality Punishment

(2017) Extreme Poverty and Effective Altruism

(2017) Body and its Intersections

(2017) Theories and Practices of Freedom

(2016) Cause Prioritisation and Culture of Giving

(2015) Body, Monster, Machine

(2015) The Evolution, Resistance and Limit of the Intellectual: Foucault and Benjamin

Fırat Akova

Fırat Akova

f dot akova at warwick dot ac dot uk

2.39 Postgraduate Workroom
Department of Philosophy
Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

Fırat's Academia