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Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination

Part IV

Article 15

State parties shall ensure women’s equality with men before law:

i. legal capacity and opportunities to exercise it in civil matters

ii. nullification of all instruments that restrict their legal capacity

iii. movement rights and freedom to choose residence and domicile

Article 16

State parties shall ensure women’s equality with men in marriage and family relations:

i. right to enter into marriage

ii. full and free consent of marriage

iii. rights and responsibilities during marriage and at its dissolution

iv. rights of and responsibilities as parents for childcare regarding the interests of the children

v. rights of and access to information of family planning

vi. rights of and responsibilities for guardianship and adoption of children regarding the interests of the children

vii. rights as husband and wife of decision-making

viii. rights for both spouses of disposition of their property

State parties shall legitimize the official age for marriage and make marriage official marriage registration compulsory.

Part V

Article 17

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women:

i. 18 and after ratification to the Convention, 23 experts of the Committee of high moral standing and competence

ii. experts selected by state parties regarding to equitable geographical distribution and representation of difference of civilization

iii. members elected by secret ballot from nominated candidates from state parties

iv. initial election--six months after the date of entry into the force

v. the Secretary-General supervises the process of initial election

vi. the tenure of the members of the Committee is four years, a two-year tenure for nine of the members chosen by lot by the Chair

vii. the election of the five additional members in accordance with the above provisions, a two-year tenure for two out of five chosen by lot by the Chair

viii. expert responsible for appointing new expert, who shall be approved by the Committee

ix. members shall receive emoluments from UN with approval of the General Assembly

x. Secretary-General ensure the effective performance of the Committee with staff and facilities

Article 18

State parties shall submit a report on the measures adopted to the provisions and the progress of the present Convention:

i. within one year after the entry into force

ii. on the request of the Committee at least every four years

iii. factors and difficulties affecting the degree of fulfillment of obligations to be reported

Article 19

The Committee shall:

i. adopt rules of procedure

ii. stipulate a two-year tenure for its officers

Article 20

General comment on implementation:

i. Committee meeting within two weeks to consider the reports submitted

ii. meeting normally held at UN, freedom of choosing other meeting place for the Committee

Article 21

Report of activities and suggestions from the Committee to the General Assembly of the UN

Secretary-General responsible for the transmission of the report to the Commission on the Status of Women

Article 22

Special agencies to assist the implementation of the Convention in activities

Part VI

Article 23

Priority given to the achievement of equality between women and men:

i. in the legislation of a State Party

ii. in any other international convention, treaty or agreement in force for the State

Article 24

Measures at the national level to achieve full realization of the rights in the Convention

Article 25

The Convention:

i. open for signature by all states

ii. designate the Secretary-General as the depositary

iii. subject to ratification

iv. open to accession by all states

Article 26

Request for the revision:

i. in writing addressed to the Secretary-General

ii. steps of which decided by the General Assembly of the United Nations

Article 27

The Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date of deposit with the Secretary-General, same for each State

Article 28

The Secretary-General’s responsibility to receive and circulate all States text of reservations during ratification or accession

Reservations not to be permitted if incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention

Reservations can be withdrawn by notification to the Secretary-General

Article 29

Arbitration is required towards any dispute unsettled by negotiation

Freedom of any State Party not to be bound by the above provision.

Withdraw of a reservation related to the above provision by notification to the Secretary-General

Article 30

Texts of the Convention in different languages equally authentic

The Secretary-General responsible for deposition of the texts