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Richard Lampard

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Richard Lampard studied at the Universities of Durham and Southampton, and at Nuffield College, Oxford. He is a research methods specialist with a background in mathematics, social statistics and demography, and has co-authored (with Chris Pole) a textbook, Practical Social Investigation: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Social Research (2002). His substantive research has involved both quantitative and qualitative approaches and focuses primarily on marriage/the family and on class/occupation-related inequality. Richard's papers in various sociological journals relate to: the formerly married and repartnering, parents' occupations and their children's occupational attainment, party political homogamy (i.e. similarity between spouses), social mobility, and the measurement of occupational segregation. His methodological interests include the statistical analysis of cross-tabulated data and of life/work histories, with the former leading to a recent paper in the International Journal of Social Research Methodology. This introduced a new measure of inequality in a cross-tabulation, Tog, which shares some of the characteristics of the Gini coefficient.


Richard teaches Surveys, Secondary Analysis and Social Statistics and Population and Social Change at undergraduate level and contributes to Quantitative Methods in Social Research at postgraduate level.

Department of Sociology
University of Warwick
United Kingdom
