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Public Lecture - The Provenance of Digital Photographs

Tuesday 23 September, 3-4pm. Room MS.05, Mathematics & Statistics Building

Digital cameras are everywhere - a standard part of a modern mobile phone and a nearly ubiquitous replacement for film photography. The explosion of digital imagery raises new risks of crime - the production of child pornography for example - and new sources of evidence - as members of the public photograph an event with their ever present mobile phone camera. However, new questions are also being raised. Where did this image come from? When was it taken? Why is this photo being distributed? Has it been faked? Is this set of photographs complete? What do these photographs have in common? How useful is this image for this particular forensic purpose? This is the field of Digital Photographic Provenance - tracing the distribution and processing history of photographic images back to their source.

This presentation will test your ability to tell fake from real, and reveal some of the secrets your digital camera tells about who you are and how you use your camera.

Content warning: this presentation is not suitable for persons under 15 years of age. May contain discussion of sexual, violent and drug-related crime and offensive language.

Dr Matthew Sorell is Senior Lecturer in Telecommunications and Multimedia Engineering at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. He is General Chair of the e-Forensics 2009 Conference on Forensic Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications, Information and Multimedia and an associate editor of the International Journal on Digital Crime and Forensics. Matthew is currently a Short-Term Visiting Fellow under the Institute of Advanced Study at the University of Warwick collaborating with Chang-Tsun Li and other researchers in the Department of Computer Science in the area of digital forensic investigation.

Ros Lucas, Institute of Advanced Study
Extension 50565 (02476 1 50565)