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Departmental news

Dr Mark Greenhalgh secures slice of £4m grant

Dr Mark Greenhalgh, has secured a substantial grant from the EPSRC to establish an international collaboration for his pioneering research in catalysis and molecular interactions.

Wed 06 Dec 2023, 12:07 | Tags: news grant income SynthCat Research news

Computational Surface Science Group celebrates Successes

The Computational Surface Science Group is celebrating a number of notable successesLink opens in a new window, from an exciting EPSRC-funded computing consortium, co-led by Reinhard Maurer, to great fellowship news.

Fri 05 May 2023, 12:10 | Tags: grant income people MeasMod Research news

Funding granted for cleaner, greener chemicals

Researchers at the Universities of Warwick and Nottingham have received EPSRC funding to launch a ground-breaking research programme for global specialist chemical manufacturer, Lubrizol.

Wed 07 Apr 2021, 08:45 | Tags: news PolymerChem grant income MatPolymers Research news Impact

Professor Gibson awarded €2M ERC grant

Professor Matthew Gibson has been awarded a prestigious €2M ERC consolidator grant for his work on new materials to help transport protein and cell-based therapies. The project ICE_PACK will support a cross disciplinary team of researchers based in both the Chemistry Department and also in Warwick Medical School.

Mon 16 Dec 2019, 08:37 | Tags: grant income Research news

Corinna Preuss awarded Newton International Fellowship

Dr Corinna Preuss has been awarded a Newton International Fellowship to conduct research at the University of Warwick’s Department of Chemistry.

Jointly run by The British Academy, The Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Society, the Fellowship is for non-UK scientists who are at an early stage of their research career and provides the opportunity for the best early stage post-doctoral researchers from all over the world to work at UK research institutions for a period of two years.

Speaking after being awarded the Fellowship Dr Preuss said:

“I’m very honoured and delighted to be awarded the Newton International Fellowship. Not only will it support my personal development but is also emphasises the novelty and importance of our proposed research project.”

Dr Preuss will work as part of a team led by Professor Stefan Bon to mimic the motional behaviour of zooplankton by fabricating artificial jelly-objects that have the capability to transform shape, swim, and – as an additional feature – release payloads. Dr Preuss says these hydrogel objects will have these three pre-programmed functions “which can be triggered on demand in a controlled fashion”. For this purpose, recent scientific advances in polymer and colloid chemistry will be merged with soft matter physics and robotics in order to create a promising and interdisciplinary research program

Further to the research with Professor Bon, Dr Preuss is keen to use the Fellowship to teach undergraduate chemists and to create a network with other fellow scientists, saying that: “In my opinion, exchanging knowledge and listening to different opinions is essential for the formation of a highly efficient scientific society”.

Discussing why she chose the University of Warwick Dr Preuss said:

I met Professor Stefan Bon during a conference in Mexico. I was impressed by his research and the passion he presented it with. Later on, whilst I was presenting my research at the poster session, we got the chance to chat more and discovered that our interests in each other’s research would create a promising base for a further collaboration. In working with Stefan and coming to the University of Warwick, I’m taking the chance of changing my field of research to colloidal chemistry and engineering, which provides a new, challenging and fascinating area for me”.

2 September 2015

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Wed 02 Sep 2015, 23:12 | Tags: prize grant income people MatPolymers

Warwick Chemistry part of Industrial Biotechnology consortia worth > £6 Million.

The Bugg and Gibson groups are involved in 2 new projects intended to promote translation of new technologies. These projects are funded by the Industrial Biocatalyst program supported by Innovate UK, BBSRC and EPSRC and span a range of UK universities and companies.

Tue 05 May 2015, 17:19 | Tags: news PolymerChem grant income people ChemBio

€1.7m ERC grant for Seb Perrier

Sebastien Perrier has been awarded a €1.7 million Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council for his work on tubular supramolecular polymers. These structures, pioneered by the Perrier group, are based on the assembly of cyclic peptide/polymer conjugates into nanotubes, held together by supramolecular interactions. They have a range of unique physical and chemical properties, and the ERC grant will allow the group to develop these systems further as drug delivery vectors. Recent work has shown that they can act efficiently to deliver anticancer drugs to cancer cells and enhance the drug activity, and the 5 years’ ERC funding will support further studies in this area.

Thu 02 Apr 2015, 12:45 | Tags: news grant income people

€5 Million in ERC grants Awarded

3 Academics in the Department have been awarded prestigious ERC starting grants with a total value of almost €5 million. Set up in 2007 by the EU, the European Research Council (ERC) is the first pan-European funding organisation for frontier research. It aims to stimulate scientific excellence in Europe by encouraging competition for funding between the very best, creative researchers of any nationality and age.

Dr Adrian Chaplin will develop new synthetic methodology for studying the interaction of alkanes with transition metals.
Dr Matthew Gibson will study mimics of antifreeze (glyco)proteins with the aim of improving cell cryopreservation.
Dr Józef Lewandowski will develop and apply approaches to investigate structural dynamics of large protein complexes by solid- and solution-state NMR.

These awards bring the total number of ERC-funded researches in the Department to 8, a clear testament to the internationally-leading nature of the research environment at Warwick.

Two new Centres for Doctoral Training

Warwick Chemistry has played a lead role in securing funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for 2 new Centres for Doctoral training, in Molecular Analytical Science and Diamond Science and Technology, as part of the recently announced UK's largest investment in postgraduate training in engineering and physical sciences. The Universities and Science Minister, David Willetts, announced the funding of over seventy new Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs), spread across 24 UK universities on 22nd November.

For further information please visit: 

 Julie Macpherson

Dr Rebecca Notman Awarded Royal Society University Research Fellowship

Dr Rebecca Notman has been awarded a prestigious 5-year Royal Society University Research Fellowship starting October 2012 to pursue a research project on “Modelling the Lipid Layers of the Human Skin Barrier”.

Mon 15 Oct 2012, 10:36 | Tags: prize grant income people MeasMod

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