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Warwick is fifth best funded Institution by EPSRC

EPSRCThe EPSRC’s latest funding success rate analysis for their 2012/13 financial year have been published. View the full report (PDF Document)

In this period, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council considered 2,931 research grant proposals through peer review and provided funding for 995, giving a funding rate of 34%. This amounted to a demand of £1,969 million, with funding of £734 million and a funding rate by value of 37%.

The report shows that Warwick (£31.3M) was fifth best funded Institution, behind only UCL (£81.9M), Cambridge (£67.0M), Imperial (£59.5M) and Bristol (£34.1M).

Our success rate (38% by number, 43% by value) was also high, better than the overall success rate and among the best of the major grant winners.