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QAA institutional review of Warwick

The University has received initial summary findings from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), following its institutional review of Warwick, which took place in late February.

Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Nigel Thrift said:

The initial findings represent an excellent outcome for the University and are testament both to all those involved in the preparations and conduct of the review, and the wider community of staff and students who contribute to creating an outstanding educational experience here at Warwick. I want to thank everyone for their contribution”.

QAA will publish their full institutional review report in May 2013. The report will detail areas of good practice, recommendations and affirmations identified by the review team.

QAA is the national agency charged with safeguarding standards and improving the quality of UK higher education. This includes offering advice and support to UK HEIs and carrying out institutional reviews of HEIs to look at processes, placing current and prospective students’ interests at its heart, with a commitment to clear communication with the general public. QAA is an independent body funded by institutional (university and college) subscriptions and through contracts with the main funding bodies for higher education in the UK.