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Research Development Fund 2013-2014 now open

Warwick’s Research Development Fund is now open to applications for activity taking place between 1 August 2013 and 31 July 2014. Projects can vary in size and awards are given under its Strategic or Development strands.

Applicants can apply for up to £25k for Strategic projects, and more modest amounts are available for Development activity.

The fund is open to all academic departments, research institutes, centres, GPP research themes and groups, with particular encouragement given to inter- and multi-disciplinary proposals that foster collaboration between departments and faculties.

Please note there is a new application process this year. Applications need to be made on a paper form, to be submitted via your Head of Department.

Strategic Awards

An annual competition to provide pump-priming support for the development of new research initiatives which are creative and innovative and clearly of a strategic nature. Projects should ideally be of an inter- or multi-disciplinary nature and must show clearly that they will lead directly to future bids for external funding. Applications which relate specifically to the University Strategy are particularly encouraged.

Deadline: 4pm on 30 May 2013

Development Awards

Rolling funds available for modest support for research activity specifically related to the University Strategy. Applications which seek support for the development of larger scale European funding bids are particularly encouraged, and some funds will be ringfenced to support this activity.

Further information

Find out more, including eligibility, and download the application form