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Share your views: Green paper

We’re drafting a Warwick response to the Government’s consultation on the recent green paper on the future of Higher Education and we’d like to hear your views.


The Government’s green paper on higher education ‘Fulfilling our Potential: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice’ was published on 6 November 2015.

Key points

The green paper details proposals intended to:

  • Raise teaching standards (via the Teaching Excellence Framework).
  • Widen participation for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Make it easier to establish a new university through faster access to degree awarding powers and university title.
  • Ensure better value for money and employment prospects for students (via a new Office for Students).
  • Provide greater focus on graduate employability.
  • Reduce the regulatory burden on the sector.
What do you think of the proposals?

Let us know what you think by 12 noon on Friday 4 December 2015.

If you have any technical issues completing the form, please contact deputyregistrar at warwick dot ac dot uk.

We won’t be able to incorporate individual replies as there’s likely to be a range of opinions, but we’ll use your feedback to develop themes and inform the University’s final response.

You can also respond directly as an individual – complete the government consultation online on Gov.UK by 15 January 2016.

How else will we be informing the University response?

We’re also seeking the views of those on Academic Quality and Standards Committee, Research Committee, Steering Committee, Senate and Council, as well as the Students’ Union.

Heads of Department will be given the opportunity to share their views at the Heads of Department forum in December.

The Students’ Union are also preparing their own response to certain questions, as well as contributing to the University’s response.

Our draft response will then be put together and go to the Steering Committee to be signed off. We’ll share a copy of our final response in January 2016.