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Brief Encounter - Heidi Willis

First published in CommUnicate 322

Heidi Willis has recently joined the University as Waste and Recycling Officer. With ever-increasing pressures relating to the environment, waste and recycling, Heidi’s role is to implement new waste management practices in order to comply with recent government legislation.

Favourite phrase

"Are you dancing?"

Least favourite phrase

"A moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips."

Magazines read

Recycling International, National Geographic, New Scientist, Marine Conservation.

Life before Warwick

I was Graphic Services Co-ordinator for The Walt Disney Company in London before I studied Environmental Science at Plymouth University. I then went on to work for a recycling company before joining the University.

Best thing about working at Warwick

The people and the trees.

Worst thing about working at Warwick

It’s so big!

What do you treasure most?

Life and being healthy enough to enjoy it.

Smartest career move

Leaving the ‘rat race’ and moving to Devon to study Environmental Science.

Lifelong ambition

To scuba dive with Manta Rays.

People are always surprised to learn this about me, but...

I play the djembe (African drum)

Any hidden talents?

I’m a secret disco diva.

Major achievement to date?

I found that attending university full-time and completing a degree as a mature student was tough but extremely rewarding. It taught me that you can do anything you want if you want it badly enough.

If you could change one thing in the University overnight, what would it be?

There would be a purpose-built waste management site on campus to deal with all of the University’s waste and recycling. General waste would decrease dramatically, recycling rates would quadruple and the University would save money.

Which person inspires you most, and why?

The Dalai Lama, because he has compassion for everyone, no matter who they are or what they have done. That is very powerful and I think we can all learn something from him.