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Brief Encounter - Kay Rainsley

Administrative Co-ordinator Kay Rainsley

Kay Rainsley is Administrative Co-ordinator for the Open Studies department, and is responsible for Publicity and marketing for the Open Studies programme; tutor liaison; organising venues; tutor meetings; awards ceremony; putting together the tutor newsletter and helping to ensure the smooth running of the programme.



Favourite phrase: No problem.

Least favourite phrase: The person you have telephoned is not available…

Magazines read: Dive, Mslexia, Eve, House and Garden, Traveller.

Life before Warwick:
I left school to get married, worked part-time until my youngest started school then worked as a secretary at Courtaulds.

Smartest career move:
Definitely moving to Warwick. I was given the opportunity to study part time for two degrees whilst working full time.

Best thing about working at Warwick:
The Sports Centre and learning opportunities.

Worst thing about working at Warwick:
I hate to be boring but – the car parking.

Lifelong ambition:
To have my novel published – I haven’t finished writing it yet though.

People are always surprised to learn this about me, but...
I've travelled all over the world looking for sharks to dive with. Most species are completely harmless so I get cross when newspapers use the odd attack to sell papers.

As a young child what did you want to be as a 'grown-up'?
For a long time I wanted to be an elephant rider (after a visit to the circus).

Now that you are grown-up what would be your 'dream job'?
Probably a novelist with plenty of time and money to do other things as well like travelling, diving and photography.

What has life's experience taught you so far?
The more you put into it the more you get out of it and that basically all over the world most people want the same things out of life.

If you could change one thing in the University overnight, what would it be?
To recognise that we’re all in the same boat.

Who inspires you most, and why?
David Attenborough – he’s never lost his enthusiasm for what he does and he enthuses others.