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Ninian McNamara, S.J., 1934-2002

Originally published 21 October 2002

Ninian came to Warwick in 1992 as Roman Catholic Chaplain. He was a member of Court, a good friend to many members of staff, but, above all, a priest whose fidelity meant he offered Mass on campus 350 days a year. He will be most missed as the friend of overseas’ students – for helping them with their English, giving weekly dinners, driving them to his beloved cathedrals and castles, and travelling abroad to marry several post-graduates. Everyone will recall his give-away sales of ‘Pots and Pans’ or ‘Lost Property’. The proceeds always went to the small village of Colimes, outside Guyaquil, in Ecuador. Ninian was totally without personal ambition – with one exception, each year he made a home for his student tenants – the one award he jokingly sought (but truly earned) was to be named ‘The Best Landlord on Campus’.